PSALM 145*
The Greatness and Goodness of God
I will extol you, my God and king;
I will bless your name forever and ever.
I will praise your name forever and ever.a
whose grandeur is beyond understanding.
and proclaims your mighty works.c
tell of your wonderful deeds.d
and recount your great deeds.e
and joyfully sing of your justice.
slow to anger and abounding in mercy.f
compassionate toward all your works.g
and your faithful bless you.h
and tell of your mighty works,
the majestic glory of your rule.
your dominion for all generations.i
The LORD is trustworthy in all his words,
and loving in all his works.
and raises up all who are bowed down.j
you give them their food in due season.k
and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
merciful in all his works.l
to all who call upon him in truth.m
he hears their cry and saves them.n
but all the wicked he destroys.o
all flesh will bless his holy name forever and ever.
* [Psalm 145] A hymn in acrostic form; every verse begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Acrostic poems usually do not develop ideas but consist rather of loosely connected statements. The singer invites all to praise God (Ps 145:1–3, 21). The “works of God” make God present and invite human praise (Ps 145:4–7); they climax in a confession (Ps 145:8–9). God’s mighty acts show forth divine kingship (Ps 145:10–20), a major theme in the literature of early Judaism and in Christianity.
b. [145:3] Ps 48:2; 95:3; 96:4; Jb 36:26.
c. [145:4] Ps 22:31–32; 48:14–15; 71:18; 78:4; Ex 10:2; Dt 4:9.
f. [145:8] Ps 86:5, 15; 103:8; Ex 34:6; Sir 2:11.
g. [145:9] Ps 103:13; Wis 11:24.
i. [145:13] Ps 10:16; 102:13; 146:10; Lam 5:19; Dn 3:33; Rev 11:15.
k. [145:15] Ps 136:25; 104:27–28; Mt 6:25–26.
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