Thanksgiving for Deliverance
and did not let my enemies rejoice over me.
I cried out to you for help and you healed* me.
you let me live, from going down to the pit.*a
give thanks to his holy memory.
his favor a lifetime.
At dusk weeping comes for the night;
but at dawn there is rejoicing.
“I shall never be shaken.”
established for me mountains of virtue.
But when you hid your face
I was struck with terror.b
with the Lord I pleaded for mercy:
from my going down to the grave?
Does dust give you thanks
or declare your faithfulness?
LORD, be my helper.”
you took off my sackcloth
and clothed me with gladness.c
and not be silent.
O LORD, my God,
forever will I give you thanks.
* [Psalm 30] An individual thanksgiving in four parts: praise and thanks for deliverance and restoration (Ps 30:2–4); an invitation to others to join in (Ps 30:5–6); a flashback to the time before deliverance (Ps 30:7–11); a return to praise and thanks (Ps 30:12). Two sets of images recur: 1) going down, death, silence; 2) coming up, life, praising. God has delivered the psalmist from one state to the other.
* [30:1] For the dedication of the Temple: a later adaptation of the Psalm to celebrate the purification of the Temple in 164 B.C. during the Maccabean Revolt.
* [30:3] Healed: for God as healer, see also Ps 103:3; 107:20; Hos 6:1; 7:1; 11:3; 14:5.
* [30:4] Sheol…pit: the shadowy underworld residence of the spirits of the dead, here a metaphor for near-death.
* [30:7] Complacent: untroubled existence is often seen as a source of temptation to forget God, cf. Dt 8:10–18; Hos 13:6; Prv 30:9.
* [30:10] In the stillness of Sheol no one gives you praise; let me live and be among your worshipers, cf. Ps 6:6; 88:11–13; 115:17; Is 38:18.
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