A Prayer for Deliverance from the Wicked
avenging God, shine forth!a
give the proud what they deserve!b
how long shall the wicked glory?c
go on boasting, all these evildoers?d
torment your very own.
the orphan they murder.e
the God of Jacob takes no notice.”f
You fools, when will you be wise?g
The one who formed the eye not see?h
The one who teaches man not have knowledge?
they are like a fleeting breath.i
whom you teach by your instruction,
while a pit is being dug for the wicked.
nor abandon his inheritance.k
and all the upright of heart will follow it.
Who will stand up for me against evildoers?
I would long have been silent in the grave.l
your mercy, LORD, holds me up.m
your comfort gives me joy.
those who create burdens by decree,
and condemn the innocent to death?
my God, my rock of refuge,
and destroy them for their wickedness.
Surely the LORD our God will destroy them!
* [Psalm 94] A lament of an individual who is threatened by wicked people. The danger affects the whole community. Calling upon God as judge (Ps 94:1–2), the Psalm complains about oppression of the holy community by people within (Ps 94:3–7). Bold declarations of faith follow: denunciation of evildoers (Ps 94:8–11) and assurance to the just (Ps 94:12–15). The Psalm continues with further lament (Ps 94:16–19) and ends with strong confidence in God’s response (Ps 94:20–23).
b. [94:2] Jer 51:56; Lam 3:64.
c. [94:3] Ps 13:2; 75:5; Jer 12:1.
d. [94:4] Ps 73; Mal 2:17; 3:14.
e. [94:6] Ex 22:21–22; Dt 24:17–22.
f. [94:7] Ps 10:11; 64:6; 73:11; Jb 22:13–14; Ez 9:9.
i. [94:11] Ps 33:15; 1 Cor 3:20.
j. [94:12] Ps 119:71; Jb 5:17.
k. [94:14] 1 Sm 12:22; Sir 47:22.
o. [94:23] Ps 7:16; 9:16; 35:8; 57:7; Prv 26:27; Eccl 10:8; Sir 27:26.
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