A New Beginning in Zion and David
Attend, my people, to my teaching;
listen to the words of my mouth.
unfold the puzzling events of the past.a
things our ancestors have recounted to us.b
we recount them to the next generation,
The praiseworthy deeds of the LORD and his strength,
the wonders that he performed.c
established a law in Israel:d
Which he commanded our ancestors,
they were to teach their children;
children yet to be born.e
In turn they were to recount them to their children,
And not forget God’s deeds,
but keep his commandments.
a rebellious and defiant generation,f
A generation whose heart was not constant,g
and whose spirit was not faithful to God.
retreated on the day of battle.
they refused to walk according to his law.
the wonders that he had shown them.
in the land of Egypt, the plain of Zoan.*h
making the waters stand like walls.j
all night with the light of fire.k
gave water to drink, abundant as the deeps of the sea.l
caused rivers of water to flow down.
rebelling against the Most High in the desert.m
demanding the food they craved.n
“Can God spread a table in the wilderness?o
water gushed forth,
the wadies flooded.
But can he also give bread,
or provide meat to his people?”
fire blazed up against Jacob;
anger flared up against Israel.
did not trust in his saving power.
and opened the doors of heaven.
grain from heaven he gave them.q
food he sent in abundance.
by his might God brought on the south wind.
winged fowl like the sands of the sea,
all round their dwellings.
he gave them what they had craved.
and the food was still in their mouths,
and he made a slaughter of their strongest,
laying low the youth of Israel.r
they did not believe in his wonders.
their years in sudden death.
they again looked for God.s
God Most High, their redeemer.
lied to him with their tongues.
they were not faithful to his covenant.t
he did not utterly destroy them.
Time and again he turned back his anger,
unwilling to unleash all his rage.u
a breath that passes on and does not return.
grieved him in the wasteland.
provoked the Holy One of Israel.
the day he redeemed them from the foe,v
his wonders in the plain of Zoan.w
their streams they could not drink.
frogs that destroyed them.
the fruits of their labor to the locust.
their sycamores with frost.
their flocks to pestilence.z
wrath, fury, and distress,
a band of deadly messengers.
he did not spare them from death,
but delivered their animals to the plague.
the first fruits of their vigor in the tents of Ham.
guided them like a flock through the wilderness.b
while the sea enveloped their enemies.c
the hill his right hand had won.d
allotted them as their inherited portion,
and settled in their tents the tribes of Israel.
his decrees they did not observe.
they proved false like a slack bow.
and with their idols provoked him* to jealous anger.e
he rejected Israel completely.
the tent he set up among human beings.
his glorious ark into the hands of the foe.g
he was enraged against his heritage.
their young women heard no wedding songs.h
their widows made no lamentation.
like a warrior shouting from the effects of wine.
everlasting shame he dealt them.
chose not the tribe of Ephraim.
Mount Zion which he loved.i
like the earth which he founded forever.
took him from the sheepfolds.j
to shepherd Jacob, his people,
Israel, his heritage.k
with skilled hands he guided them.
* [Psalm 78] A recital of history to show that past generations did not respond to God’s gracious deeds and were punished by God making the gift into a punishment. Will Israel fail to appreciate God’s act—the choosing of Zion and of David? The tripartite introduction invites Israel to learn the lessons hidden in its traditions (Ps 78:1–4, 5–7, 8–11); each section ends with the mention of God’s acts. There are two distinct narratives of approximately equal length: the wilderness events (Ps 78:12–39) and the movement from Egypt to Canaan (Ps 78:40–72). The structure of both is parallel: gracious act (Ps 78:12–16, 40–55), rebellion (Ps 78:17–20, 56–58), divine punishment (Ps 78:21–31, 59–64), God’s readiness to forgive and begin anew (Ps 78:32–39, 65–72). While the Psalm has been thought to reflect the reunification program of either King Hezekiah (late eighth century) or King Josiah (late seventh century) in that the Northern Kingdom (Ephraim, Joseph) is especially invited to accept Zion and the Davidic king, a postexilic setting is also possible. Notable is the inclusion of the David-Zion tradition into the history of Israel recounted in the sources of the Pentateuch.
* [78:2] Parable: Hebrew mashal literally refers to some sort of relationship of comparison and can signify a story whose didactic potential becomes clear in the telling, as here in the retrospective examination of the history of Israel. Mt 13:35 cites the verse to explain Jesus’ use of parables.
* [78:9] Ephraimite archers: Ephraim was the most important tribe of the Northern Kingdom. Its military defeat (here unspecified) demonstrates its infidelity to God, who otherwise would have protected it.
* [78:12, 43] Zoan: a city on the arm of the Nile, a former capital of Egypt.
* [78:23–31] On the manna and the quail, see Ex 16 and Nm 11. Unlike Ex 16, here both manna and quail are instruments of punishment, showing that a divine gift can become deadly because of Israel’s apostasy.
* [78:25] Bread of the angels: the translation “angels” comports with the supernatural origin of the manna, though the Hebrew lechem ‘abbirim is more literally translated as “bread of the strong ones” or “bread of the mighty.” In the context of the manna event, this phrase cannot possibly mean the Israelites or any human being.
* [78:35] Remembered: invoked God publicly in worship. Their words were insincere (Ps 78:36).
* [78:38] God is always ready to forgive and begin anew, as in choosing Zion and David (Ps 78:65–72).
* [78:43–55] Ex 7–12 records ten plagues. Here there are six divine attacks upon Egypt; the seventh climactic act is God’s bringing Israel to the holy land.
* [78:58] Provoked him: lit., “made him jealous.”
* [78:60] Shiloh: an important shrine in the north prior to Jerusalem. Despite its holy status, it was destroyed (Ps 78:60–64; cf. Jer 7:12, 14).
* [78:68, 70] God’s ultimate offer of mercy to the sinful, helpless people is Zion and the Davidic king.
c. [78:4] Ex 10:2; Dt 4:9; Jb 8:8.
e. [78:6] Ps 22:31–32; Dt 4:9; 6:7.
i. [78:13–14] Ps 136:13; Ex 14–15.
k. [78:14] Ps 105:39; Ex 13:21; Wis 18:3.
l. [78:15] Ps 105:41; 114:8; Ex 17:1–7; Nm 20:2–13; Dt 8:15; Wis 11:4; Is 48:21.
n. [78:18] Ps 106:14; Ex 16:2–36.
q. [78:24] Ps 105:40; Ex 16:4, 14; Dt 8:3; Wis 16:20; Jn 6:31.
s. [78:34] Dt 32:15, 18; Is 26:16.
t. [78:37] Ps 95:10; Is 29:13.
u. [78:38] Ps 85:4; Ex 32:14; Is 48:9; Ez 20:22.
w. [78:43f] Ps 105:27–36; 135:9; Ex 7:14–11:10; 12:29–36; Wis 16–18.
a. [78:51] Ps 105:36; 136:10; Ex 12:29.
f. [78:60] Jos 18:1; 1 Sm 1:3; Jer 7:12; 26:6.
h. [78:63] Dt 32:25; Jer 7:34.
i. [78:68] Ps 48:2; 50:2; Lam 2:15.
j. [78:70] Ps 89:21; Ez 34:23; 37:24; 2 Chr 6:6.
k. [78:71] 1 Sm 16:11–13; 2 Sm 7:8.
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