PSALM 111*
Praise of God for Goodness to Israel
I will praise the LORD with all my hearta
in the assembled congregation of the upright.*
studied by all who delight in them.
his righteousness endures forever.
gracious and merciful is the LORD.b
he remembers his covenant forever.
giving them the inheritance of the nations.
reliable all his decrees,
to be observed with truth and equity.
decreed his covenant forever;
holy and fearsome is his name.
prudent are all who practice it.
His praise endures forever.
* [Psalm 111] A Temple singer (Ps 111:1) tells how God is revealed in Israel’s history (Ps 111:2–10). The deeds reveal God’s very self, powerful, merciful, faithful. The poem is an acrostic, each verse beginning with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
* [111:1] In the assembled congregation of the upright: in the Temple, cf. Ps 149:1.
* [111:5] Food to those who fear him: probably a reference to the manna in the desert, which elsewhere is seen as a type of the Eucharist, cf. Jn 6:31–33, 49–51.
* [111:10] The fear of the LORD: reverence for God.
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