PSALM 140*
Prayer for Deliverance from the Wicked
preserve me from the violent,a
who stir up conflicts every day,
venom of asps upon their lips.b
preserve me from the violent,
who plot to trip me up.c
they have spread out ropes for a net,
laid snares for me by the wayside.
listen, LORD, to the words of my pleas.
you cover my head on the day of armed conflict.
do not let his plot succeed.
may the mischief they threaten overwhelm them.
cast them into the watery pit never more to rise.
evil will hunt down the man of violence to overthrow him.
justice for the poor.
the upright will dwell in your presence.f
* [Psalm 140] A lament seeking rescue from violent and treacherous foes (Ps 140:2–6). The psalmist remains trusting (Ps 140:7–8), vigorously praying that the plans of the wicked recoil upon themselves (Ps 140:9–12). A serene statement of praise ends the Psalm (Ps 140:13). The psalmist is content to be known as one of “the needy,” “the poor,” “the just,” “the upright” (Ps 140:13), a class of people expecting divine protection.
* [140:4] Similar metaphors for a wicked tongue are used in Ps 52:2; 55:20; 58:3.
* [140:6] Have set a trap…have spread out ropes for a net: the same figure, of hunters setting traps, occurs in Ps 9:16; 31:5; 35:7; 64:6, cf. Mt 22:15; Lk 11:54.
c. [140:5] Jer 18:22; Ps 56:7; 57:7.
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