Song for a Royal Wedding
as I sing my ode to the king.
My tongue is the pen of a nimble scribe.
fair speech has graced your lips,
for God has blessed you forever.a
In splendor and majesty ride on triumphant!b
may your right hand show your wondrous deeds.
peoples will cower at your feet;
the king’s enemies will lose heart.
your royal scepter is a scepter for justice.
therefore God, your God, has anointed you
with the oil of gladness above your fellow kings.
your robes are fragrant.
From ivory-paneled palaces*
stringed instruments bring you joy.
a princess arrayed in Ophir’s gold*
comes to stand at your right hand.
pay me careful heed.
Forget your people and your father’s house,*
He is your lord;
Then the richest of the people
will seek your favor with gifts.
her raiment threaded with gold;
The maids of her train are presented to the king.
they enter the palace of the king.
you shall make them princes through all the land.f
thus nations shall praise you forever.g
* [Psalm 45] A song for the Davidic king’s marriage to a foreign princess from Tyre in Phoenicia. The court poet sings (Ps 45:2, 18) of God’s choice of the king (Ps 45:3, 8), of his role in establishing divine rule (Ps 45:4–8), and of his splendor as he waits for his bride (Ps 45:9–10). The woman is to forget her own house when she becomes wife to the king (Ps 45:11–13). Her majestic beauty today is a sign of the future prosperity of the royal house (Ps 45:14–17). The Psalm was retained in the collection when there was no reigning king, and came to be applied to the king who was to come, the messiah.
* [45:7] O God: the king, in courtly language, is called “god,” i.e., more than human, representing God to the people. Heb 1:8–9 applies Ps 45:7–8 to Christ.
* [45:9] Ivory-paneled palaces: lit., “palaces of ivory.” Ivory paneling and furniture decoration have been found in Samaria and other ancient Near Eastern cities, cf. Am 3:15.
* [45:10] Ophir’s gold: uncertain location, possibly a region on the coast of southern Arabia or eastern Africa, famous for its gold, cf. 1 Kgs 9:28; 10:11; Jb 22:24.
* [45:11] Forget your people and your father’s house: the bride should no longer consider herself a daughter of her father’s house, but the wife of the king—the queen.
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