Prayer of the King in Time of Danger
listen to my prayer!
my heart grows faint.
Raise me up, set me on a rock,
a tower of strength against the foe.a
take refuge in the shelter of your wings.b
you have granted me the heritage of those who revere your name.
may his years be as from generation to generation;c
send your love and fidelity* to preserve him—e
fulfill my vows day after day.
* [Psalm 61] A lament of the king who feels himself at the brink of death (Ps 61:3) and cries out for the strong and saving presence of God (Ps 61:3b–5). The king cites the prayer being made for him (Ps 61:7–8), and promises to give thanks to God.
* [61:3] Ends of the earth: “earth” being taken in its occasional meaning “the underworld,” cf. Jon 2:3.
* [61:8] Send your love and fidelity: as in Ps 43:3 the psalmist asks God to send these two divine attributes like angels to protect the king.
b. [61:5] Ps 17:8; 36:8; 57:2.
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