Prayer for the King in Time of War
the name of the God of Jacob defend you!
from Zion be your support.a
graciously accept your burnt offering,
fulfill your every plan.
raise the banners in the name of our God.
The LORD grant your every petition!
to his anointed.b
He will answer him from the holy heavens
with a strong arm that brings victory.
but we on the name of the LORD our God.c
but we stand strong and firm.d
answer when we call upon you.
* [Psalm 20] The people pray for the king before battle. The people ask for divine help (Ps 20:2–6) and express confidence that such help will be given (Ps 20:7–10). A solemn assurance of divine help may well have been given between the two sections in the liturgy, something like the promises of Ps 12:6; 21:9–13. The final verse (Ps 20:10) echoes the opening verse.
* [20:4] Remember: God’s remembering implies readiness to act, cf. Gn 8:1; Ex 2:24.
* [20:6] Victory: the Hebrew root is often translated “salvation,” “to save,” but in military contexts it can have the specific meaning of “victory.”
b. [20:7] Ps 18:51; 144:10; 1 Sm 2:10.
c. [20:8] Ps 147:10–11; 2 Chr 14:10; Prv 21:31; 1 Sm 17:45; Is 31:1; 36:9.
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