Prayer in Time of Old Age
let me never be put to shame.b
listen to me and save me!
my stronghold to give me safety;
for you are my rock and fortress.c
from the clutches of the evil and violent.d
my trust, GOD, from my youth.
from my mother’s womb you are my strength;e
my hope in you never wavers.
but you are my strong refuge!
shall sing your glory every day.
as my strength fails, do not forsake me.
they watch and plot against me.f
Pursue, and seize him!
No one will come to the rescue!”
my God, hasten to help me.g
those who attack me;
Cover with contempt and scorn
those who seek my ruin.h
and add to all your praise.
day after day your acts of deliverance,
though I cannot number them all.i
O GOD, I will tell of your singular justice.
to this day I proclaim your wondrous deeds.
do not forsake me, God,
That I may proclaim your might
to all generations yet to come,k
to the highest heaven.
You have done great things;l
O God, who is your equal?m
you would turn and revive me.
From the watery depths of the earth
once more raise me up.
turn and comfort me,
for your faithfulness, my God,
And sing to you with the harp,
O Holy One of Israel!
my soul, too, which you have redeemed.
your justice day by day.
For those who sought my ruin
have been shamed and disgraced.
* [Psalm 71] A lament of an old person (Ps 71:9, 18) whose afflictions are interpreted by enemies as a divine judgment (Ps 71:11). The first part of the Psalm pleads for help (Ps 71:1–4) on the basis of a hope learned from a lifetime’s experience of God; the second part describes the menace (Ps 71:9–13) yet remains buoyant (Ps 71:14–16); the third develops the theme of hope and praise.
* [71:7] A portent to many: the afflictions of the sufferer are taken as a manifestation of God’s anger, cf. Dt 28:46; Ps 31:12.
h. [71:13] Ps 35:4; 40:15; 70:3.
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