Confidence in God Rather than in Riches
Give ear, all who inhabit the world,
rich and poor together.
my heart shall offer insights.a
expound my question on a lyre.
with the iniquity of my assailants surrounding me,
and boast of their abundant riches?b
or pay to God his own ransom.c
and he will pass away forever.
and never see the Pit of Corruption?
and the fool will perish together with the senseless,d
and they leave their wealth to others.e
their dwellings through all generations,
“They named countries after themselves”
He is like the beasts—they perish.f
and the end of those who take pleasure in their own mouth.
and Death will shepherd them.
Straight to the grave they descend,
where their form will waste away,
Sheol will be their palace.
will take me* from the hand of Sheol.g
when the wealth of his house grows great.
his glory will not go down after him.h
“They will praise you, for you do well for yourself.”
never again to see the light.i
He is like the beasts—they perish.
* [Psalm 49] The Psalm affirms confidence in God (cf. Ps 23; 27:1–6; 62) in the face of the apparent good fortune of the unjust rich, cf. Ps 37; 73. Reliance on wealth is misplaced (Ps 49:8–10) for it is of no avail in the face of death (Ps 49:18–20). After inviting all to listen to this axiom of faith (Ps 49:2–5), the psalmist depicts the self-delusion of the ungodly (Ps 49:6–13), whose destiny is to die like ignorant beasts (Ps 49:13, 18; cf. Prv 7:21–23). Their wealth should occasion no alarm, for they will come to nought, whereas God will save the just (Ps 49:14–20).
* [49:1] Korahites: see note on Ps 42:1.
* [49:5] Riddle: the psalmist’s personal solution to the perennial biblical problem of the prosperity of the wicked. Question: parallel in meaning to problem; in wisdom literature it means the mysterious way of how the world works.
* [49:8] No man can ransom even a brother: an axiom. For the practice of redemption, cf. Jb 6:21–23. A play on the first Hebrew word of Ps 49:8, 16 relates the two verses.
* [49:16] Will take me: the same Hebrew verb is used of God “taking up” a favored servant: Enoch in Gn 5:24; Elijah in 2 Kgs 2:11–12; the righteous person in Ps 73:24. The verse apparently states the hope that God will rescue the faithful psalmist in the same manner.
c. [49:8] Prv 10:15; 11:4; Ez 7:19; Mt 16:26.
e. [49:11] Ps 39:7; Sir 11:18–19.
g. [49:16] Ps 16:10; 86:13; 103:4; 116:8.
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