Prayer to Restore God’s Vineyard
you who guide Joseph like a flock!
Seated upon the cherubim, shine fortha
Stir up your power, and come to save us.
light up your face and we shall be saved.
how long will you smolder in anger
while your people pray?c
made them drink tears in great measure.*d
our enemies deride us.e
light up your face and we shall be saved.
you drove out nations and planted it.
it took deep root and filled the land.
the cedars of God by its branches.
its shoots as far as the river.*
so that all who pass along the way pluck its fruit?f
the beast of the field feeds upon it.g
look down from heaven and see;
Visit this vine,
and the son* whom you made strong for yourself.
may they perish at your rebuke.
with the son of man whom you made strong for yourself.
revive us, and we will call on your name.
light up your face and we shall be saved.
* [Psalm 80] A community lament in time of military defeat. Using the familiar image of Israel as a vineyard, the people complain that God has broken down the wall protecting the once splendid vine brought from Egypt (Ps 80:9–14). They pray that God will again turn to them and use the Davidic king to lead them to victory (Ps 80:15–19).
* [80:1] Lilies…. Eduth: the first term is probably the title of the melody to which the Psalm was to be sung; the second is unexplained.
* [80:6] Both the Septuagint and the Vulgate translate this verse in the first person, i.e., “You have fed us the bread of tears.”
* [80:9] A vine: a frequent metaphor for Israel, cf. Is 5:1–7; 27:2–5; Jer 2:21; Hos 10:1; Mt 21:33.
* [80:12] The sea: the Mediterranean. The river: the Euphrates, cf. Gn 15:18; 1 Kgs 5:1. The terms may also have a mythic nuance—the seas that surround the earth; sea and river are sometimes paralleled in poetry.
* [80:16] The Vulgate and Septuagint use “son of man.”
* [80:18] The man on your right: the Davidic king who will lead the army in battle.
a. [80:2] Ps 23:1–3; 95:7; 100:3; Gn 48:15; Ex 25:22; 1 Sm 4:4; 2 Sm 6:2; Mi 7:14.
b. [80:4, 8, 20] Ps 4:7; 31:17; 67:2; 85:5; Nm 6:25; Dn 9:17.
c. [80:5] Ps 13:2; 44:24; 74:1; 79:5; 89:47; Dt 4:24.
e. [80:7] Ps 44:14; 79:4; 123:3–4; Jb 12:4; Dn 9:16; Zep 2:8.
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