Confidence in the Presence of God
In the LORD I take refuge;
how can you say to me,
“Flee like a bird to the mountains!a
fit their arrows to the string
to shoot from the shadows at the upright of heart.b
what can the just one do?”
the LORD’s throne is in heaven.c
God’s eyes keep careful watch;
they test the children of Adam.
hates those who love violence,
fiery coals and brimstone,
a scorching wind their allotted cup.*d
the upright will see his face.
* [Psalm 11] A song of trust. Though friends counsel flight to the mountain country (a traditional hideout) to escape trouble (Ps 11:1–3), the innocent psalmist reaffirms confidence in God, who protects those who seek asylum in the Temple (Ps 11:4–7).
* [11:3] Foundations: usually understood of public order, cf. Ps 82:5.
* [11:6] Their allotted cup: the cup that God gives people to drink is a common figure for their destiny, cf. Ps 16:5; 75:9; Mt 20:22; 26:39; Rev 14:10.
b. [11:2] Ps 7:13; 37:14; 57:5; 64:4.
c. [11:4] Ps 14:2; 102:20; Hab 2:20; Dt 26:15; Is 66:1; Mt 5:34.
d. [11:6] Ps 120:4; 140:11; Prv 16:27; Ez 38:22; Rev 8:5; 20:10.
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