An Admonition to Fidelity
raise loud shouts to the God of Jacob!
the pleasant lyre with a harp.
at the full moon, on our solemn feast.b
an edict of the God of Jacob,c
when he came out of the land of Egypt.
“I removed his shoulder from the burden;*
his hands moved away from the basket.*d
I answered you in secret with thunder;
At the waters of Meribah* I tested you:e
If only you will listen to me, Israel!f
you shall not bow down to an alien god.
who brought you up from the land of Egypt.
Open wide your mouth that I may fill it.’
Israel would not submit to me.
‘Let them walk in their own machinations.’h
that Israel would walk in my ways,i
and turn back my hand against their oppressors.j
but their fate is fixed forever.
I will satisfy them with honey from the rock.”k
* [Psalm 81] At a pilgrimage feast, probably harvest in the fall, the people assemble in the Temple in accord with the Sinai ordinances (Ps 81:2–6). They hear a divine word (mediated by a Temple speaker) telling how God rescued them from slavery in Egypt (Ps 81:7–9), gave them the fundamental commandment of fidelity (Ps 81:9–11), which would bring punishment if they refused to obey (Ps 81:12–13). But if Israel repents, God will be with them once again, bestowing protection and fertility (Ps 81:14–16).
* [81:1] Upon the gittith: probably the title of the melody to which the Psalm was to be sung or a musical instrument.
* [81:4] New moon. . . full moon: the pilgrimage feast of harvest began with a great assembly (Lv 23:24; Nm 29:1), used the new moon as a sign (Nm 29:6), and included trumpets (Lv 23:24).
* [81:7] I heard a tongue I did not know: a Temple official speaks the word of God (Ps 81:5b–16), which is authoritative and unlike merely human words (cf. Nm 24:4, 16).
* [81:7] I removed his shoulder from the burden: A reference to the liberation of Israel from slavery in Egypt. The basket: for carrying clay to make bricks, cf. Ex 1:14.
* [81:8] Meribah: place of rebellion in the wilderness; cf. Ex 17:7; Nm 20:13.
* [81:10] There shall be no foreign god among you: as in Ps 50 and 95, Israel is challenged to obey the first commandment of fidelity to God after the proclamation of the exodus.
a. [81:2] Ps 43:4; 68:26; 149:3; 150:3–4; Jdt 16:1.
c. [81:5] Ex 23:14ff.
e. [81:8] Ps 95:8; Ex 2:23ff; 17:7; 19:16; Nm 20:13; 27:14.
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