Prayer for Divine Help
understand my sighing.a
my king and my God!
For to you I will pray, LORD;
in the morning I will plead before you and wait.b
no wicked person finds refuge with you;
You hate all who do evil;
A bloody and fraudulent man
the LORD abhors.
will enter into your house.
I will bow down toward your holy sanctuary
out of fear of you.d
make straight your way before me.e
their heart is corrupt.
Their throat* is an open grave;f
on their tongue are subtle lies.
make them fall by their own devices.g
Drive them out for their many sins;
for they have rebelled against you.
and forever shout for joy.h
You will protect them and those will rejoice in you
who love your name.
you surround him with favor like a shield.
* [Psalm 5] A lament contrasting the security of the house of God (Ps 5:8–9, 12–13) with the danger of the company of evildoers (Ps 5:5–7, 10–11). The psalmist therefore prays that God will hear (Ps 5:2–4) and grant the protection and joy of the Temple.
* [5:8] Mercy: used to translate the Hebrew word, hesed. This term speaks to a relationship between persons. It is manifested in concrete actions to persons with some need or desire. The one who offers hesed has the ability to respond to that need of the other person. Other possible ways to translate hesed include “steadfast love” and “loving kindness.”
* [5:10] Their throat: their speech brings harm to their hearers (cf. Jer 5:16). The verse mentions four parts of the body, each a source of evil to the innocent.
c. [5:7] Ps 101:7; Wis 14:9; Heb 1:13.
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