Gratitude and Prayer for Help
who bends down to me and hears my cry,a
out of the muddy clay,b
Sets my feet upon rock,
steadies my steps,
a hymn to our God.
Many shall look on in fear
and they shall trust in the LORD.
his security in the LORD,
who turns not to the arrogant
or to those who stray after falsehood.d
have done many wondrous deeds!
And in your plans for us
there is none to equal you.e
Should I wish to declare or tell them,
too many are they to recount.f
you opened my ears.
Holocaust and sin-offering you do not request;
with an inscribed scroll written upon me.
your law is in my inner being!”h
in a great assembly,
See, I do not restrain my lips;
as you, LORD, know.i
within my heart;
I speak of your loyalty and your salvation.
I do not hide your mercy or faithfulness from a great assembly.
your compassion from me;
May your mercy and your faithfulness
continually protect me.j
until they cannot be counted.
My sins overtake me,
so that I can no longer see.
They are more numerous than the hairs of my head;
my courage fails me.k
Come quickly to help me, LORD!
be shamed and confounded.
Turn back in disgrace
those who desire my ruin.m
Be made desolate on account of their shame.
rejoice and be glad in you.
May those who long for your salvation
always say, “The LORD is great.”o
my Lord keeps me in mind.
You are my help and deliverer;
my God, do not delay!
* [Psalm 40] A thanksgiving (Ps 40:2–13) has been combined with a lament (Ps 40:14–17) that appears also in Ps 70. The psalmist describes the rescue in spatial terms—being raised up from the swampy underworld to firm earth where one can praise God (Ps 40:2–4). All who trust God will experience like protection (Ps 40:5–6)! The Psalm stipulates the precise mode of thanksgiving: not animal sacrifice but open and enthusiastic proclamation of the salvation just experienced (Ps 40:7–11). A prayer for protection concludes (Ps 40:12–17).
* [40:4] A new song: a song in response to the new action of God (cf. Ps 33:3; 96:1; 144:9; 149:1; Is 42:10). Giving thanks is not purely a human response but is itself a divine gift.
* [40:7–9] Obedience is better than sacrifice (cf. 1 Sm 15:22; Is 1:10–20; Hos 6:6; Am 5:22–25; Mi 6:6–8; Acts 7:42–43 [quoting Am 5:25–26]). Heb 10:5–9 quotes the somewhat different Greek version and interprets it as Christ’s self-oblation.
b. [40:3] Ps 28:1; 30:4; 69:3, 15–16; 88:5; Prv 1:12; Jon 2:7.
d. [40:5] Ps 1:1; Prv 16:20; Jer 17:7.
f. [40:6] Ps 71:15; 139:17–18.
g. [40:7–9] Heb 10:5–7; Ps 51:18–19; Am 5:22; Hos 6:6; Is 1:11–15.
i. [40:10] Ps 22:23; 26:12; 35:18; 149:1.
k. [40:13] Ps 38:5, 11; Ezr 9:6.
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