Prayer in Distress and Thanksgiving for Escape
let me never be put to shame.
In your righteousness deliver me;
make haste to rescue me!
Be my rock of refuge,
a stronghold to save me.
for your name’s sake lead me and guide me.
for you are my refuge.
you will redeem me, LORD, God of truth.
but I trust in the LORD.
once you have seen my misery,
[and] gotten to know the distress of my soul.d
but will set my feet in a free and open space.
affliction is wearing down my eyes,
my throat and my insides.
and my years by sighing.
My strength fails in my affliction;
my bones are wearing down.e
and especially to my neighbors
a horror to my friends.
When they see me in public,
they quickly shy away.f
I am like a worn-out tool.*
terrors are all around me.*
They conspire together against me;
they plot to take my life.
I say, “You are my God.”g
rescue me from my enemies,
from the hands of my pursuers.
save me in your mercy.
for I have called to you, LORD.
Put the wicked to shame;
reduce them to silence in Sheol.
which speak arrogantly against the righteous
in contempt and scorn.i
stored up for those who fear you.
You display it for those who trust you,
in the sight of the children of Adam.
safe from scheming enemies.
You conceal them in your tent,
away from the strife of tongues.j
marvelously he showed to me
his mercy in a fortified city.
“I am cut off from your eyes.”k
Yet you heard my voice, my cry for mercy,
when I pleaded with you for help.
The LORD protects the loyal,
but repays the arrogant in full.
all who hope in the LORD.
* [Psalm 31] A lament (Ps 31:2–19) with a strong emphasis on trust (Ps 31:4, 6, 15–16), ending with an anticipatory thanksgiving (Ps 31:20–24). As is usual in laments, the affliction is couched in general terms. The psalmist feels overwhelmed by evil people but trusts in the “God of truth” (Ps 31:6).
* [31:6] Into your hands I commend my spirit: in Lk 23:46 Jesus breathes his last with this Psalm verse. Stephen in Acts 7:59 alludes to these words as he is attacked by enemies. The verse is used as an antiphon in the Divine Office at Compline, the last prayer of the day.
* [31:13] Like a worn-out tool: a common comparison for something ruined and useless, cf. Is 30:14; Jer 19:11; 22:28.
* [31:14] Terrors are all around me: a cry used in inescapable danger, cf. Jer 6:25; 20:10; 46:5; 49:29.
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