and pay no heed in times of trouble?
they trap them by their cunning schemes.a
these robbers curse and scorn the LORD.b
“God does not care; there is no God.”c
they ignore your judgment on high;
they sneer at all who oppose them.
never will we see misfortune.”
discord and evil are under their tongues.d
their eyes watch for the helpless
to murder the innocent in secret.e
hide there to trap the poor,
snare them and close the net.f
they fall into the power of the wicked,
shows no concern, never bothers to look.”g
Do not forget the poor!
say in their hearts, “God does not care”?
you take note of misery and sorrow;h
you take the matter in hand.
To you the helpless can entrust their cause;
you are the defender of orphans.i
make them account for their crimes;
let none of them survive.
the nations have vanished from his land.
you strengthen their heart and incline your ear.
no one on earth will cause terror again.
c. [10:4] Ps 14:1; Jb 22:13; Is 29:15; Jer 5:12; Zep 1:12.
f. [10:9] Ps 17:12; Prv 1:11; Jer 5:26.
g. [10:11] Ps 44:25; 64:6; 73:11; 94:7; Ez 9:9.
h. [10:14] Ps 31:8; 56:9; 2 Kgs 20:5; Is 25:8; Rev 7:17.
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