The Acceptable Sacrifice
The God of gods, the LORD,
has spoken and summoned the earth
from the rising of the sun to its setting.a
God shines forth.b
Devouring fire precedes him,
it rages strongly around him.c
and to the earth to judge his people:
those who made a covenant with me by sacrifice.”
for God himself is the judge.d
Israel, I will testify against you;
God, your God, am I.
your burnt offerings are always before me.
or he-goats from your folds.e
beasts by the thousands on my mountains.
whatever moves in the wild is mine.
for mine is the world and all that fills it.f
or drink the blood of he-goats?
fulfill your vows to the Most High.
I will rescue you, and you shall honor me.”
“Why do you recite my commandments
and profess my covenant with your mouth?
you cast my words behind you!
with adulterers you throw in your lot.
you yoke your tongue to deceit.
slandering your mother’s son.
Do you think that I am like you?
I accuse you, I lay out the matter before your eyes.
lest I start ripping apart and there be no rescuer.
I will let him whose way is steadfast
look upon the salvation of God.”i
* [Psalm 50] A covenant lawsuit stating that the sacrifice God really wants is the sacrifice of praise accompanied by genuine obedience (cf. Mi 6:1–8). It begins with a theophany and the summoning of the court (Ps 50:1–6). Then in direct address God explains what is required of the faithful (Ps 50:7–15), rebukes the hypocritical worshiper (Ps 50:16–21), and concludes with a threat and a promise (Ps 50:22–23; cf. Is 1:19–20).
a. [50:1] Dt 10:17; Jos 22:22.
e. [50:9] Ps 69:32; Am 5:21–22.
f. [50:12] Ps 24:1; 89:12; Dt 10:14; 1 Cor 10:26.
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