PSALM 149*
Praise God with Song and Sword
Sing to the LORD a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the faithful.a
the people of Zion rejoice in their king.
make music with tambourine and lyre.*b
honors the poor with victory.
cry out for joy on their couches,*
and a two-edged sword in their hands,c
punishment on the peoples,d
their nobles in chains of iron,
such is the glory* of all God’s faithful.
* [Psalm 149] A hymn inviting the people of Israel to celebrate their God in song and festive dance (Ps 149:1–3, 5) because God has chosen them and given them victory (Ps 149:4). The exodus and conquest are the defining acts of Israel; the people must be ready to do again those acts in the future at the divine command (Ps 149:6–9).
* [149:3] Make music with tambourine and lyre: the verse recalls the great exodus hymn of Ex 15:20.
* [149:5] On their couches: the people reclined to banquet.
* [149:9] The glory: what brings honor to the people is their readiness to carry out the divine will, here conceived as punishing injustice done by the nations.
a. [149:1] Ps 22:23; 26:12; 35:18; 40:10; Jdt 16:1.
b. [149:3] Ps 68:26; 81:2–3; 87:7; 150:3–4.
c. [149:6] Neh 4:10–12; 2 Mc 15:27.
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