Prayer at the Destruction of the Temple
Why, God, have you cast us off forever?*a
Why does your anger burn against the sheep of your pasture?b
the tribe you redeemed as your own heritage,
Mount Zion where you dwell.c
everything the enemy laid waste in the sanctuary.
they set up their own tokens of victory.
swinging his ax in a thicket of trees.
struck it with ax and pick.
profaned your name’s abode by razing it to the ground.d
Burn all the assembly-places of God in the land!”
there is no prophet any more,e
no one among us who knows for how long.
Will the enemy revile your name forever?
why hold back your right hand within your bosom?*
winning victories throughout the earth.
you smashed the heads of the dragons on the waters.h
gave him as food to the sharks.
brought dry land out of the primeval waters.*
you set the moon and sun in place.
summer and winter you made.j
how a foolish people has reviled your name.
do not forget forever the life of your afflicted.
for the recesses of the land
are full of the haunts of violence.
may the poor and needy praise your name.
remember the constant jeering of the fools.
the unceasing uproar of your enemies.
* [Psalm 74] A communal lament sung when the enemy invaded the Temple; it would be especially appropriate at the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 B.C. Israel’s God is urged to look upon the ruined sanctuary and remember the congregation who worshiped there (Ps 74:1–11). People and sanctuary are bound together; an attack on Zion is an attack on Israel. In the second half of the poem, the community brings before God the story of their origins—their creation (Ps 74:12–17)—in order to move God to reenact that deed of creation now. Will God allow a lesser power to destroy the divine project (Ps 74:18–23)?
* [74:1] Forever: the word implies that the disaster is already of long duration, cf. Ps 74:9 and note.
* [74:9] Even so we have seen no signs…: ancients often asked prophets to say for how long a divine punishment was to last, cf. 2 Sm 24:13. Here no prophet has arisen to indicate the duration.
* [74:11] Why hold back…within your bosom: i.e., idle beneath your cloak.
* [74:12–17] Comparable Canaanite literature describes the storm-god’s victory over all-encompassing Sea and its allies (dragons and Leviathan) and the subsequent peaceful arrangement of the universe, sometimes through the placement of paired cosmic elements (day and night, sun and moon), cf. Ps 89:12–13. The Psalm apparently equates the enemies attacking the Temple with the destructive cosmic forces already tamed by God. Why then are those forces now raging untamed against your own people?
* [74:15] Waters: lit., “rivers” (cf. Ps 24:7; Is 50:2) upon which, or from which, in primordial times the earth is created.
a. [74:1] Ps 10:1; 44:24; 77:8.
c. [74:2] Ps 68:17; 132:13; Ex 15:17; Jer 10:16; 51:19.
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