Petition and Thanksgiving
To you, LORD, I call;
my Rock, do not be deaf to me,a
Do not be silent toward me,
so that I join those who go down to the pit.b
when I lift up my hands toward your holy place.*c
with those who do wrong,d
Who speak peace to their neighbors
though evil is in their hearts.e
for the evil that they do.
For the work of their hands repay them;
give them what they deserve.f
the work of his hands,g
He will tear them down,
never to rebuild them.
who has heard the sound of my pleading.
in whom my heart trusts.
I am helped, so my heart rejoices;
with my song I praise him.
the saving refuge of your anointed.
pasture and carry them forever!
* [Psalm 28] A lament asking that the psalmist, who has taken refuge in the Temple (Ps 28:2), not be punished with the wicked, who are headed inevitably toward destruction (Ps 28:1, 3–5). The statement of praise is exceptionally lengthy and vigorous (Ps 28:6–7). The Psalm ends with a prayer (Ps 28:8–9).
* [28:2] Your holy place: the innermost part of the Temple, the holy of holies, containing the ark, cf. 1 Kgs 6:16, 19–23; 8:6–8.
* [28:6] The psalmist shifts to fervent thanksgiving, probably responding to a priestly or prophetic oracle in Ps 28:5cd (not usually transmitted) assuring the worshiper that the prayer has been heard.
* [28:8] Your people…your anointed: salvation is more than individual, affecting all the people and their God-given leader.
b. [28:1] Ps 30:4; 88:5; 143:7; Prv 1:12.
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