
PSALM 112*

The Blessings of the Just


Blessed the man who fears the LORD,

who greatly delights in his commands.a

2His descendants shall be mighty in the land,

a generation of the upright will be blessed.

3Wealth and riches shall be in his house;

his righteousness* shall endure forever.

4Light shines through the darkness for the upright;b

gracious, compassionate, and righteous.

5It is good for the man gracious in lending,

who conducts his affairs with justice.

6For he shall never be shaken;

the righteous shall be remembered forever.c

7He shall not fear an ill report;

his heart is steadfast, trusting the LORD.

8His heart is tranquil, without fear,

till at last he looks down on his foes.

9Lavishly he gives to the poor;

his righteousness shall endure forever;d

his horn* shall be exalted in honor.

10The wicked sees and is angry;

gnashes his teeth and wastes away;

the desire of the wicked come to nothing.

* [Psalm 112] An acrostic poem detailing the blessings received by those who remain close to God by obedience to the commandments. Among their blessings are children (Ps 112:2), wealth that enables them to be magnanimous (Ps 112:3, 5, 9), and virtue by which they encourage others (Ps 112:4). The just person is an affront to the wicked, whose hopes remain unfulfilled (Ps 112:10). The logic resembles Ps 1; 111.

* [112:3] Righteousness: in the Second Temple period the word acquired the nuance of liberality and almsgiving, cf. Sir 3:30; 7:10; Mt 6:14.

* [112:9] His horn: the symbol for vitality and honor.

a. [112:1] Ps 1:12; 119:12; 128:1.

b. [112:4] Ps 37:6; 97:11; Prv 13:9; Is 58:10.

c. [112:6] Prv 10:7; Wis 8:13.

d. [112:9] Prv 22:9; 2 Cor 9:9.

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