A King’s Thanksgiving for Victory
I love you, LORD, my strength,
My God, my rock of refuge,
my shield, my saving horn,* my stronghold!b
I have been delivered from my enemies.
the torrents of destruction terrified me.
the snares of death lay in wait for me.c
I cried out to my God.d
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry to him reached his ears.
the foundations of the mountains trembled;
they shook as his wrath flared up.e
a devouring fire from his mouth;
it kindled coals into flame.
a dark cloud under his feet.f
borne along on the wings of the wind.
his canopy, water-darkened stormclouds.
hail and coals of fire.g
the Most High made his voice resound.h
shot his lightning bolts and dispersed them.i
the world’s foundations lay bare,j
At your rebuke, O LORD,
at the storming breath of your nostrils.
drew me out of the deep waters.k
from foes too powerful for me.
but the LORD was my support.
he rescued me because he loves me.
rewarded my clean hands.l
I was not disloyal to my God.
his decrees I did not cast aside.
I was on guard against sin.
the cleanness of my hands in his sight.
to the honest man you are honest;m
but to the perverse you are devious.
haughty eyes you bring low.n
my God brightens my darkness.o
with my God to help I can leap a wall.
the LORD’s promise is refined;
he is a shield for all who take refuge in him.p
Who but our God is the rock?q
kept my way unerring,
and set me on the heights,r
my arms to string a bow of bronze.*s
your right hand has upheld me;
your favor made me great.
my ankles never twisted.t
I did not turn back till I destroyed them.
they fell at my feet.
subjugated my opponents beneath me.
those who hated me I silenced.
cried to the LORD but received no answer.
I left them like mud in the streets.
you made me head over nations.
A people I had not known served me;
Foreigners submitted before me;
they came cowering from their dungeons.u
Exalted be God, my savior!
made peoples subject to me,w
Truly you have elevated me above my opponents,
from a man of lawlessness you have rescued me.
I will sing praises to your name.x
and shown mercy to his anointed,
to David and his posterity forever.y
* [Psalm 18] A royal thanksgiving for a military victory, duplicated in 2 Sm 22. Thanksgiving Psalms are in essence reports of divine rescue. The Psalm has two parallel reports of rescue, the first told from a heavenly perspective (Ps 18:5–20), and the second from an earthly perspective (Ps 18:36–46). The first report adapts old mythic language of a cosmic battle between sea and rainstorm in order to depict God’s rescue of the Israelite king from his enemies. Each report has a short hymnic introduction (Ps 18:2–4, 32–36) and conclusion (Ps 18:21–31, 47–50).
* [18:3] My saving horn: my strong savior. The horn referred to is the weapon of a bull and the symbol of fertility, cf. 1 Sm 2:10; Ps 132:17; Lk 1:69.
* [18:6] Cords: hunting imagery, the cords of a snare.
* [18:8–16] God appears in the storm, which in Palestine comes from the west. The introduction to the theophany (Ps 18:8–9) is probably a description of a violent, hot, and dry east-wind storm. In the fall transition period from the rainless summer to the rainy winter such storms regularly precede the rains, cf. Ex 14:21–22.
* [18:11] Cherub: a winged creature, derived from myth, in the service of the deity (Gn 3:24; Ex 25:18–20; 37:6–9). Cherubim were the throne bearers of the deity (Ps 80:2; 99:1; 1 Kgs 6:23–28; 8:6–8).
* [18:15] Arrows: lightning.
* [18:35] Bow of bronze: hyperbole for a bow difficult to bend and therefore capable of propelling an arrow with great force.
b. [18:3] Ps 3:4; 31:3–4; 42:10; Gn 49:24; Dt 32:4.
c. [18:6] Ps 88:8; 93:3–4; 116:3–4.
e. [18:8] Ps 97:3–4; 99:1; Jgs 5:4–5; Is 64:1; Heb 3:9–11.
f. [18:10] Ps 104:3; 144:5; Is 63:19.
h. [18:14] Ps 29; 77:19; Ex 19:19; Jb 37:3–4.
i. [18:15] Ps 144:6; Wis 5:21.
j. [18:16] Ps 77:17; Zec 9:14.
l. [18:21] Ps 26; 1 Sm 26:23.
n. [18:28] Jb 22:29; Prv 3:34.
o. [18:29] Ps 27:1; 36:10; 43:3; 119:105; Jb 29:3; Mi 7:8.
p. [18:31] Ps 12:6; 77:13; Prv 30:5.
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