PSALM 124*
God, the Rescuer of the People
Had not the LORD been with us,
let Israel say,a
when people rose against us,
for their fury blazed against us.
the torrent overwhelmed us;c
to be torn by their teeth.
from the fowler’s snare;
the snare was broken,
and we escaped.
the maker of heaven and earth.d
* [Psalm 124] A thanksgiving which teaches that Israel’s very existence is owed to God who rescues them. In the first part Israel’s enemies are compared to the mythic sea dragon (Ps 124:2b–3a; cf. Jer 51:34) and Flood (Ps 124:3b–5; cf. Is 51:9–10). The Psalm heightens the malice of human enemies by linking them to the primordial enemies of God’s creation. Israel is a bird freed from the trapper’s snare (Ps 124:6–8)—freed originally from Pharaoh and now from the current danger.
* [124:8] Our help is in the name: for the idiom, see Ex 18:4.
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