A Lament over God’s Promise to David
proclaim your faithfulness through all ages.
my faithfulness will stand as long as the heavens.
I have sworn to David my servant:
and establish your throne through all ages.”b
your loyalty in the assembly of the holy ones.c
Who is like the LORD among the sons of the gods?*d
greater and more awesome than all those around him!
Mighty LORD, your faithfulness surrounds you.
you still its swelling waves.
with your strong arm you scatter your foes.
you founded the world and everything in it.f
Tabor and Hermon rejoice in your name.
Your hand is strong; your right hand is ever exalted.
mercy and faithfulness march before you.g
who walk in the radiance of your face, LORD.
they rejoice in your righteousness.h
by your favor our horn* is exalted.i
the Holy One of Israel, our king!j
to your faithful ones you said:
“I have set a leader over the warriors;
I have raised up a chosen one from the people.
with my holy oil I have anointed him.
my arm will make him strong.
nor shall the wicked defeat him.
strike down those who hate him.
through my name his horn will be exalted.
his right hand upon the rivers.
my God, the Rock of my salvation!’
Most High* over the kings of the earth.
my covenant with him stands firm.
his throne as the days of the heavens.
do not follow my decrees,
do not keep my commandments,
and their guilt with blows.
nor will I betray my bond of faithfulness.p
the promise of my lips I will not alter.q
I will never be false to David.
his throne, like the sun before me.
forever firm like the sky!”
been enraged at your anointed.
defiled his crown in the dust.
left his strongholds in ruins.
his neighbors deride him.
have gladdened all his enemies.v
did not support him in battle.
hurled his throne to the ground.
covered him with shame.
Must your wrath smolder like fire?w
how frail the sons of man you have created!x
Who can deliver his soul from the power of Sheol?y
that you swore to David in your faithfulness?
how I have borne in my bosom the slander of the nations.z
they insult each step of your anointed.
* [Psalm 89] The community laments the defeat of the Davidic king, to whom God promised kingship as enduring as the heavens (Ps 89:2–5). The Psalm narrates how God became king of the divine beings (Ps 89:6–9) and how the Davidic king became king of earthly kings (Ps 89:20–38). Since the defeat of the king calls into question God’s promise, the community ardently prays God to be faithful to the original promise to David (Ps 89:39–52).
* [89:3–5] David’s dynasty is to be as long-lasting as the heavens, a statement reinforced by using the same verbs (establish, stand) both of the divine love and loyalty and of the Davidic dynasty and throne, cf. Ps 89:29–30.
* [89:7] The sons of the gods: “the holy ones” and “courtiers” of Ps 89:6, 8. These heavenly spirits are members of God’s court.
* [89:11] Rahab: a mythological sea monster whose name is used in the Bible mainly as a personification of primeval chaos, cf. Jb 9:13; 26:12; Ps 74:13–14; Is 51:9.
* [89:13] Zaphon and Amanus: two sacred mountains in northern Syria which came to designate the directions of north and south. Tabor: a high hill in the valley of Jezreel in northern Israel. Hermon: a mountain in Lebanon, forming the southern spur of the Anti-Lebanon range.
* [89:18, 25] Horn: a concrete noun for an abstract quality; horn is a symbol of strength.
* [89:26] The sea…the rivers: geographically the limits of the Davidic empire (the Mediterranean and the Euphrates); mythologically, the traditional forces of chaos. See note on Ps 89:11.
* [89:28] Most High: a divine title, which is here extended to David as God’s own king, cf. Ps 2:7–9; Is 9:5. As God rules over the members of the heavenly council (Ps 89:6–9), so David, God’s surrogate, rules over earthly kings.
* [89:37–38] Like the sun before me…like the sky: as enduring as the heavenly lights, cf. Ps 89:2–5 and Ps 72:5, 17.
* [89:53] The doxology at the end of the third book of the Psalms; it is not part of Ps 89.
b. [89:5] Ps 61:7–8; 132:11; 2 Sm 7:8–16.
c. [89:6] Ps 29:1; 82:1; Jb 1:6; 5:1.
d. [89:7–9] Ps 35:10; 86:8; 113:5; Ex 15:11; Jer 10:6.
e. [89:10–11] Ps 65:8; 74:13–15; 107:29; Jb 7:12; Is 51:9–10.
f. [89:12] Ps 24:1–2; 50:12; Dt 10:14; 1 Cor 10:26.
j. [89:19] Ps 47:9; 96:10; 97:1; 99:1; Is 6:3.
k. [89:20–21] Ps 78:70; 132:11–12; 2 Sm 7:4, 8–16; 1 Chr 17:3, 7–14; Is 42:1; Acts 13:22.
m. [89:27–28] Ps 2:7; 110:2–3; 2 Sm 7:9, 14; Col 1:15, 18; Rev 1:5.
n. [89:29–30] Ps 18:51; 61:8; 144:10; 2 Sm 7:11; Is 55:3.
p. [89:34] Ps 40:12; Sir 47:22.
s. [89:37–38] Ps 61:8; 72:5; Sir 43:6.
w. [89:47] Ps 13:2; 44:25; 74:10; 79:5; Dt 4:24.
x. [89:48] Ps 39:5–6; 62:10; 90:9–10; 144:4; Jb 7:6, 16; 14:1, 5; Eccl 6:12; Wis 2:5.
a. [89:53] Ps 41:14; 72:18; 106:48.
Fourth Book—Psalms 90–106
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