Praise of God’s Power and Providence
praise from the upright is fitting.a
on the ten-stringed lyre offer praise.b
skillfully play with joyful chant.
all his works are trustworthy.
The earth is full of the mercy of the LORD.c
by the breath of his mouth all their host.*d
he sets the deep into storage vaults.e
let all who dwell in the world show him reverence.
commanded, and it stood in place.f
frustrates the designs of peoples.
the designs of his heart through all generations.g
the people chosen as his inheritance.h
and observes the children of Adam,i
all who dwell on earth.
is the One who knows all their works.
nor a warrior delivered by great strength.
despite its great strength, it cannot be saved.
upon those who count on his mercy,
and to keep them alive through famine.
he is our help and shield.j
in his holy name we trust.
as we put our hope in you.
* [Psalm 33] A hymn in which the just are invited (Ps 33:1–3) to praise God, who by a mere word (Ps 33:4–5) created the three-tiered universe of the heavens, the cosmic waters, and the earth (Ps 33:6–9). Human words, in contrast, effect nothing (Ps 33:10–11). The greatness of human beings consists in God’s choosing them as a special people and their faithful response (Ps 33:12–22).
* [33:6] All their host: the stars of the sky are commonly viewed as a vast army, e.g., Neh 9:6; Is 40:26; 45:12; Jer 33:22.
* [33:7] The waters…as a mound: ancients sometimes attributed the power keeping the seas from overwhelming land to a primordial victory of the storm-god over personified Sea.
e. [33:7] Ps 78:13; Gn 1:9–10; Ex 15:8; Jos 3:16.
f. [33:9] Ps 148:5; Gn 1:3f; Jdt 16:14.
g. [33:11] Prv 19:21; Is 40:8.
h. [33:12] Ps 144:15; Ex 19:6; Dt 7:6.
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