
PSALM 131*

Humble Trust in God

1A song of ascents. Of David.

LORD, my heart is not proud;

nor are my eyes haughty.

I do not busy myself with great matters,

with things too sublime for me.a

2Rather, I have stilled my soul,

Like a weaned child to its mother,

weaned is my soul.b

3Israel, hope in the LORD,

now and forever.

* [Psalm 131] A song of trust, in which the psalmist gives up self-sufficiency (Ps 131:1), like a babe enjoying the comfort of its mother’s lap (Ps 131:2), thus providing a model for Israel’s faith (Ps 131:3).

a. [131:1] Ps 139:6.

b. [131:2] Is 66:1213.

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