The Ruler of All the Nations
shout to God with joyful cries.a
the great king over all the earth,b
nations under our feet,c
the glory of Jacob, whom he loves.d
the LORD, amid trumpet blasts.e
sing praise to our king, sing praise.
sing hymns of praise.
God sits upon his holy throne.
with the people of the God of Abraham.
For the shields of the earth belong to God,
highly exalted.g
* [Psalm 47] A hymn calling on the nations to acknowledge the universal rule of Israel’s God (Ps 47:2–5) who is enthroned as king over Israel and the nations (Ps 47:6–9).
* [47:5] Our heritage…the glory: the land of Israel (cf. Is 58:14), which God has given Israel in an act of sovereignty.
* [47:6] God has gone up: Christian liturgical tradition has applied the verse to the Ascension of Christ.
b. [47:3] Ps 95:3; Ex 15:18; Is 24:23; 52:7.
e. [47:6] Ps 24:8, 10; 68:18–19; 98:6.
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