PSALM 109*
Prayer of a Person Falsely Accused
for wicked and treacherous mouths attack me.
They speak against me with lying tongues;
attacking me without cause.
even though I prayed for them.
hatred for my love.b
an accuser* to stand at his right hand,
that his plea may be in vain.
may another take his office.c
his wife, a widow.d
driven from their hovels.
strangers plunder all he earns.
or pity his fatherless children.
their name rooted out in the next generation.
his mother’s sin not rooted out.f
till their memory is banished from the earth,h
but hounded the wretched poor
and brought death to the brokenhearted.
he hated blessing; may none come to him.
may it enter his belly like water,
his bones like oil.
as the belt always around him.
for those speaking evil against me.
deal kindly with me for your name’s sake;
in your great mercy rescue me.
my heart is pierced within me.
I am shaken off like the locust.
my flesh has wasted away.
when they see me, they shake their heads.
save me in your mercy.
that you, LORD, have done this.
arise, shame them, that your servant may rejoice.
make them wear their shame like a mantle.
before a crowd I will praise him.j
to save him from those who pass judgment on him.
* [Psalm 109] A lament notable for the length and vehemence of its prayer against evildoers (Ps 109:6–20); the cry to God (Ps 109:1) and the complaint (Ps 109:22–25) are brief in comparison. The psalmist is apparently the victim of a slander campaign, potentially devastating in a society where reputation and honor are paramount. In the emotional perspective of the Psalm, there are only two types of people: the wicked and their poor victims. The psalmist is a poor victim (Ps 109:22, 31) and by that fact a friend of God and enemy of the wicked. The psalmist seeks vindication not on the basis of personal virtue but because of God’s promise to protect the poor.
* [109:6] An accuser: Hebrew satan, a word occurring in Jb 1–2 and Zec 3:1–2. In the latter passage Satan stands at the right hand of the high priest to bring false accusations against him before God. Here the accuser is human.
* [109:20] May this be the reward…from the LORD: the psalmist prays that God ratify the curses of Ps 109:6–19 and bring them upon the wicked.
b. [109:5] Ps 35:12; 38:21; Prv 17:13; Jer 18:20.
d. [109:9] Ex 22:23; Jer 18:21.
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