Where Is Wisdom to Be Found?
and a place for refining gold.
and copper smelted out of stone.
the farthest confines he explores.
unknown to human feet;
suspended, far from people, they sway.
is in fiery upheaval underneath.
and there is gold in its dust.
nor has the hawk’s eye seen it.
nor has the lion gone that way.
and overturns the mountains at their root.
his eyes behold all that is precious.
and brings hidden things to light.
Where is the place of understanding?a
nor is she to be found in the land of the living.
and the Sea says, “She is not with me.”
nor can her price be paid with silver.b
with precious onyx or lapis lazuli,
nor can golden vessels be exchanged for her.
the value of wisdom surpasses pearls.
nor can she be weighed out for pure gold.
Where is the place of understanding?
even from the birds of the air she is concealed.
“Only by rumor have we heard of her.”
it is he who knows her place.d
and sees all that is under the heavens.
and measured out the waters;
and a path for the thunderbolts,e
established her, and searched her out.
See: the fear of the Lord is wisdom;
and avoiding evil is understanding.f
* [28:1–28] This chapter contains a beautifully vivid description of that Wisdom which is beyond the attainment of creatures and known only to God. The pronouns referring to Wisdom may be translated as either feminine or neuter; in view of Wisdom’s role as God’s companion and partner in creation (see Prv 8:22–30; Sir 24:1–21; Wis 9:9; Bar 3:9–4:4), the feminine is used here. There is no consensus about the authorship of this poem; it may originally have been an independent composition incorporated into the Book of Job.
* [28:3–4] The subject of the verbs in these verses has no clear antecedent; the context of vv. 2–6 suggests miners. The Hebrew of v. 4 is especially difficult. The general sense of vv. 1–11 is that one can find minerals in the earth; in contrast, where is Wisdom to be found (vv. 12, 20)?
* [28:16] Ophir: cf. note on Ps 45:10.
* [28:22] Abaddon: cf. note on Jb 26:6.
* [28:23–27] In reply to the question of vv. 12, 20, these verses indicate that the creator (vv. 24–26) knows the “place” of wisdom and even “established” her, but the specifics are not given. For further development of this theme, cf. Sir 1:1–10 and Bar 3:9–4:4.
* [28:28] This verse may be a later addition expressing a commonplace of the wisdom tradition; see cross-references. The addition seems to tie the poem in with the description of Job as fearing God and avoiding evil (1:1, 8; 2:3).
a. [28:12] Eccl 7:24–25; Bar 3:14–15, 29–33.
b. [28:15] Prv 3:14; 8:10–11, 19; 16:16; Wis 7:7–11.
d. [28:23] Prv 2:6; Sir 1:1; Jas 1:5.
e. [28:26] Jb 38:25; Prv 3:20.
f. [28:28] Ps 111:10; Prv 1:7; 9:10; Sir 1:13–21.
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