the night when they said, “The child is a boy!”
may God* above not care for it,
may light not shine upon it!
clouds settle upon it,
blackness of day* affright it!
may it not be counted among the days of the year,
nor enter into the number of the months!
let no joyful outcry greet it!
those skilled at disturbing Leviathan!*
may it look for daylight, but have none,
nor gaze on the eyes of the dawn,
to shield my eyes from trouble!
come forth from the womb and expire?
or breasts nurse me?
had I slept, I should then have been at rest
who rebuilt what were ruins
and filled their houses with silver.
like babies that have never seen the light?
there the weary are at rest.
and hear no overseer’s voice.
the servant is free from the master.
life to the bitter in spirit?
they search for it more than for hidden treasures.
and are glad when they find the grave:
one whom God has hemmed in!*
my groans well forth like water.
what I dreaded comes upon me.
I have no rest, for trouble has come!
* [3:1] His day: that is, the day of his birth.
* [3:4] God: in Heb. ’Eloah, another name for the divinity, used frequently in Job.
* [3:5] Blackness of day: that is, an eclipse.
* [3:8] Leviathan: a mythological sea monster symbolizing primeval chaos. It is parallel to Sea, which was the opponent of Baal in the Ugaritic legends. Cf. 9:13; 26:13; 40:25–41:26; Ps 74:13–14; 104:26; Is 27:1.
* [3:17] There: in death.
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