not to gaze upon a virgin.
what heritage from the Almighty on high?
and woe for evildoers?
and number all my steps?a
and my foot has hastened to deceit,
thus will he know my innocence!b
and my heart has followed my eyes,
or any stain clings to my hands,
and may my produce be rooted up!
and I have lain in wait at my neighbor’s door;
and may others kneel over her!
a crime to be condemned,c
till it uprooted all my crops.d
or to my maidservant, when they had a complaint against me,
What could I answer when he demands an account?
Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?
or allowed the eyes of the widow to languish
with no share in it for the fatherless,
guiding me even from my mother’s womb—
or a poor man without covering,
when warmed with the fleece of my sheep;
because I saw that I had supporters at the gate—*
my forearm be broken at the elbow!
and his majesty will overpower me.
or called fine gold my security;
or that my hand had acquired abundance—
or the moon in the splendor of its progress,
to blow them a kiss with my hand,
for I should have denied God above.g
or exulted when evil came upon him,h
by invoking a curse against his life—
“Who has not been filled with his meat!”*
for I opened my door to wayfarers—
and buried my guilt in my bosom
and the scorn of the clans terrified me—
then I should have remained silent, and not come out of doors!
here is my signature:* let the Almighty answer me!
Let my accuser write out his indictment!i
or put it on me like a diadem;
like a prince* I should present myself before him.
till its furrows wept together;
and grieved the hearts of its tenants;
and stinkweed instead of barley!
The words of Job are ended.
* [31:5–34] In a series of purificatory oaths, Job protests his innocence.
* [31:12] Abaddon: see note on 26:6.
* [31:18] He: presumably God.
* [31:21] Gate: cf. notes on 5:4; Ru 4:1.
* [31:26–28] Light: of the sun. Job never sinned by worshiping the sun or the moon. Blow them a kiss: an act of idolatrous worship.
* [31:31] The members of his extended family will testify to his hospitality.
* [31:33–34] Job’s present protest is made, not in spite of hidden sins which he had been unwilling to disclose, but out of genuine innocence. All too human: can also be translated “like Adam.”
* [31:35–37] This concluding bravado fits better after v. 40a.
* [31:35] My signature: lit., “tau,” the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, shaped like a cross. Job issues a subpoena to God, and challenges him to follow proper legal procedure as well.
* [31:36] On my shoulder: i.e., boldly, proudly.
* [31:37] Like a prince: not as a frightened criminal.
a. [31:4] Jb 14:16; 34:21; Ps 139:3; Prv 5:21.
c. [31:11] Ex 20:14; Lv 20:10; Dt 22:22.
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