with words of ignorance?
I will question you, and you tell me the answers!a
Tell me, if you have understanding.
Who stretched out the measuring line for it?
and who laid its cornerstone,
and all the sons of God* shouted for joy?
when it burst forth from the womb,b
and thick darkness its swaddling bands?
and fastened the bar of its door,
and here shall your proud waves stop?
and shown the dawn its place
till the wicked are shaken from it?
and dyed like a garment;
and the arm of pride is shattered.
or walked about on the bottom of the deep?
or have you seen the gates of darkness?
Tell me, if you know it all.
and darkness—where is its place?
and know the paths to its home?
and the number of your days is great!*
and seen the storehouses of the hail
for a day of war and battle?c
where the east wind spreads over the earth?
and a path for the thunderstorm
the unpeopled wilderness;
till the desert blooms with verdure?
Who has begotten the drops of dew?
and who gives the hoarfrost its birth in the skies,
that holds captive the surface of the deep?
or loosened the bonds of Orion?
or guide the Bear with her children?
can you put into effect their plan on the earth?
for them to cover you with a deluge of waters?
so that they say to you, “Here we are”?
and gives the rooster* understanding?
Who tilts the water jars of heaven
and its clods stick together?
or appease the hunger of young lions,
or lie in ambush in the thicket?
when its young cry out to God,d
wandering about without food?
* [38:1] Now the Lord enters the debate and addresses two discourses (chaps. 38–39 and 40–41) to Job, speaking of divine wisdom and power. Such things are altogether beyond the capacity of Job. Out of the storm: frequently the background of the appearances of the Lord in the Old Testament; cf. Ps 18; 50; Na 1:3; Hb 3:2–15.
* [38:3] Gird up your loins: prepare for combat—figuratively, be ready to defend yourself in debate.
* [38:7] Sons of God: see note on 1:6.
* [38:21] Ironic, but not a harsh rebuke.
* [38:31–32] Pleiades…Orion…Bear: cf. 9:9. Mazzaroth: it is uncertain what astronomical group is meant by this Hebrew word; perhaps a southern constellation.
* [38:36] Ibis…rooster: the translation is uncertain.
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