To which of the holy ones* will you turn?
and indignation slays the simpleton.
but I cursed his household suddenly:
may they be crushed at the gate* without a rescuer.
or God take away by blight,
or the thirsty swallow their substance.
nor from the soil does trouble sprout.
as sparks* fly upward.
and to God I would state my plea.
things marvelous and innumerable.
and sends water upon the fields;
and those who mourn are raised to safety.
so that their hands achieve no success;
and the designs of the crafty are routed.
at noonday they grope as though it were night.
from the hand of the mighty.
and iniquity closes its mouth.
The Almighty’s* discipline do not reject.
he strikes, but his hands give healing.
and at the seventh* no evil shall touch you.
and in war from the power of the sword;
and you shall not fear approaching ruin.
the beasts of the earth, do not fear.
and the wild beasts shall be at peace with you.
taking stock of your household, you shall miss nothing.
and your offspring like the grass of the earth.
as a shock of grain comes in at its season.
This we have heard, and you should know.
* [5:1] Holy ones: members of the heavenly court; cf. 1:6 and note. They were viewed as heavenly intercessors.
* [5:4] At the gate: of the city, where justice was administered.
* [5:7] Sparks: in Hebrew, “sons of resheph,” which the ancient versions took as the name of a bird. Resheph was an underworld deity of plague, but the word also means “flames” in Sg 8:6.
* [5:9] Perhaps to be omitted here; it is a duplicate of 9:10.
* [5:15] From the sword of their mouth: the Hebrew is obscure.
* [5:17] Almighty: standard translation of Heb. Shaddai.
* [5:19] Six…the seventh: proverbial expression for any large number; cf. Prv 24:16; Lk 17:4.
b. [5:11] 1 Sm 2:7–8; Ps 113:7; Lk 1:52.
c. [5:13] 1 Cor 3:19.
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