as in the days when God watched over me:a
and by his light I walked through darkness;
when God sheltered my tent;
and my children were round about me;
and the rock flowed with streams of oil.*
and took my seat in the square,
and the elders rose up and stood;
and covered their mouths with their hands;b
and their tongues stuck to the roofs of their mouths.
the eye that saw acclaimed me.
the orphans, and the unassisted;
and the heart of the widow I made joyful.
justice was my robe and my turban.
and feet to the lame was I.
the complaint of the stranger I pursued,
from his teeth I forced the prey.
I shall multiply years like the phoenix.*
the dew rests by night on my branches.
and my bow is renewed in my hand!”
they were silent for my counsel.
but received my pronouncement drop by drop.
they drank in my words like the spring rains.
they would not let the light of my face be dimmed.
I lived like a king among the troops,
like one who comforts mourners.
* [29:1] This chapter begins Job’s soliloquy, which will end in 31:40. He describes in florid and exaggerated terms his former lifestyle with all its blessings, a deliberate contrast to his current plight, which will be further described in chap. 30.
* [29:6] Hyperbole to express abundance; see note on 20:17.
* [29:18] Phoenix: a legendary bird which, after several centuries of life, consumed itself in fire, then rose from its ashes in youthful freshness.
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