grind me down with words?
have assailed me without shame!
my fault would remain with me;
and use my shame as an argument against me,
and compassed me round with his net.
I shout for help, but there is no justice.
veiled my path in darkness;
taken the diadem from my brow.
he has uprooted my hope like a tree.
he counts me one of his enemies.b
they build up their road to attack me,
encamp around my tent.
my friends are wholly estranged.
my guests have forgotten me.
I am a foreigner in their sight.
though I plead aloud with him.
I am loathsome to my very children.
when I appear, they speak against me.
those whom I loved have turned against me!e
and I have escaped by the skin of my teeth.*
for the hand of God has struck me!
and prey insatiably upon me?
Would that they were inscribed in a record:*
they were cut in the rock forever!
and that he will at last stand forth upon the dust.g
and from my flesh I will see God:
my own eyes, not another’s, will behold him:
my inmost being is consumed with longing.
seeing that the root of the matter is found in him?”
for your anger is a crime deserving the sword;
that you may know that there is a judgment.
* [19:1] Job continues railing against his friends (vv. 2–5), and describing God’s savage attack in words reminiscent of 16:9–17.
* [19:20] Skin of my teeth: although the metaphor is not clear, this has become a proverbial expression for a narrow escape. It does not fit Job’s situation here.
* [19:23–24] What Job is about to say is so important that he wants it recorded in a permanent manner.
* [19:25–27] The meaning of this passage is obscure because the original text has been poorly preserved and the ancient versions do not agree among themselves. Job asserts three times that he shall see a future vindicator (Hebrew goel), but he leaves the time and manner of this vindication undefined. The Vulgate translation has Job indicating a belief in resurrection after death, but the Hebrew and the other ancient versions are less specific.
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