need only see him to be overthrown.
who then dares stand before me?
Everything under the heavens is mine.
his strength, and the fitness of his equipment.
or penetrate his double armor?
close to his terrible teeth?
tightly sealed together;
that no air can come between them;
that they hold fast and cannot be parted.
his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn.
sparks of fire leap forth.
as from a seething pot or bowl.
a flame comes from his mouth.
and power leaps before him.
it is cast over him and immovable.
cast as the lower millstone.
when he crashes down, they fall back.
nor will spear, dart, or javelin.
and bronze as rotten wood.
slingstones used against him are but straw.
he laughs at the crash of the spear.
spreading a threshing sledge upon the mire.
he makes the sea like a perfume bottle.
you would think the deep had white hair.
he was made fearless.
he is king over all proud beasts.
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