or watch for the birth pangs of deer,
or know when they give birth,
when they deliver their progeny?
they leave and do not return.
and who has loosed the wild ass from bonds?
and the salt flats his dwelling.
hears no shouts of a driver.
and seeks out every patch of green.
or pass the nights at your manger?
and will he plow the valleys after you?
and leave to him the fruits of your toil?
and gather in the yield of your threshing floor?
her plumage is lacking in feathers.
and lets them warm in the sand,
that the wild beasts may trample them;
and her labor is useless; she has no fear.
and given her no share in understanding.
she laughs at a horse and rider.
and clothe his neck with a mane?
while his thunderous snorting spreads terror?
and charges into battle.
he does not retreat from the sword.
flashes the spear and the javelin.
he does not hold back at the sound of the trumpet;
Even from afar he scents the battle,
the roar of the officers and the shouting.
that he spreads his wings toward the south?
to build his nest up high?
on the spur of cliff or fortress.
his eyes behold it afar off.
where the slain are, there is he.a
* [39:13] The wings of the ostrich cannot raise her from the ground, but they help her to run swiftly.
* [39:14–16] People thought that, because the ostrich laid her eggs on the sand, she was thereby cruelly abandoning them; cf. Lam 4:3.
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