what strength to the feeble arm!
how profuse is the advice you offer!
whose breath comes forth from you?a
the waters, and their inhabitants.
and Abaddon has no covering.c
and suspends the earth over nothing at all;
yet the cloud is not split by their weight;
by spreading his clouds before it.
as the boundary of light and darkness.
and are stunned at his thunderous rebuke;e
by his skill he crushed Rahab;*
his hand pierced the fleeing serpent.* f
and what a whisper of a word we hear of him:
Who can comprehend the thunder of his power?
* [26:1–14] Perhaps to be read as Job’s reply to Bildad’s short speech.
* [26:5] Shades: the dead in Sheol, the nether world; cf. Ps 88:11; Is 26:14.
* [26:6] Sheol: cf. note on Ps 6:6. Abaddon: Hebrew for “(place of) destruction,” a synonym for nether world; cf. Jb 28:22; Rev 9:11.
* [26:7] Zaphon: lit., “the north,” used here as a synonym for the firmament, the heavens; cf. Is 14:13.
* [26:10] Circle: the horizon of the ocean which serves as the boundary for the activity of light and darkness; cf. Prv 8:27.
* [26:12] Rahab: another name for the primeval sea-monster; see notes on Jb 3:8 and Ps 89:11; cf. also Jb 7:12; 9:13.
* [26:13] The fleeing serpent: the same term occurs in Is 27:1 in apposition to Leviathan; see note on Jb 3:8.
d. [26:10] Jb 38:8–11; Prv 8:29.
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