Loans, Alms and Surety*
by holding out a helping hand, they keep the commandments.a
and pay back your neighbor in time.b
and at all times you will find what you need.
and cause trouble for those who help them.
and speaks softly of his creditor’s money,
But at time of payment, delays,
makes excuses, and finds fault with the timing.
and will consider that a windfall.
If he cannot pay, the lender is cheated of his money
and acquires an enemy at no extra charge;
With curses and insults the borrower will repay,
and instead of honor will repay with abuse.
but from fear of being cheated needlessly.
do not keep them waiting for your alms.
and in their need, do not send them away empty-handed.c
do not hide it under a stone to rot.
and that will profit you more than the gold.d
and it will save you from every evil.
it will fight for you against the enemy.
but whoever has lost a sense of shame will fail him.e
for he has given his very life for you.
and tossed them about like waves of the sea;f
It has exiled the prominent
and sent them wandering through foreign lands.
and whoever undertakes too much will fall into lawsuits.
but take care lest you fall yourself.
Frugality and Its Rewards*
and also a house for decent privacy.g
than sumptuous banquets among strangers.h
then you will hear no reproach as a parasite.
for where you are a guest you dare not open your mouth.
besides, you will hear these bitter words:
let me eat the food you have there!
for my relative’s visit I need the room!”
are rebuke as a parasite and insults from creditors.
* [29:1–20] Some practical maxims concerning the use of wealth. Give to the poor (vv. 8–9), lend to a needy neighbor, but repay when a loan falls due lest the lender’s burden be increased (vv. 1–5) and his kindness abused (vv. 6–7); through charity build up defense against evil (vv. 10–13). Help your neighbor according to your means, but take care not to fall (v. 20), for the shameless play false and bring their protectors and themselves to misfortune and ruin (vv. 14–19).
* [29:12–13] In Ben Sira’s day, almsgiving and righteousness were practically identified.
* [29:14–17] Ben Sira is more lenient on going surety than earlier sages; cf. Prv 6:1–5.
* [29:21–28] Those who provide their own basic needs of food, clothing and dwelling, and are content with what they have, preserve their freedom and self-respect (vv. 21–23). But if they live as guests, even among the rich, they expose themselves to insult and rebuke (vv. 24–28).
a. [29:1] Dt 15:8; Ps 112:5; Prv 19:17.
b. [29:2] Ex 22:24–26; Lv 25:36; Mt 5:42.
c. [29:9] Sir 4:1–6; Lv 19:9–10; 23:22.
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