Creation of Human Beings
and makes them return to earth again.a
but granted them authority over everything on earth.
and made them in his image.
and gave them dominion over beasts and birds.†
ears, and a mind for thinking he gave them.
good and evil he showed them.
to show them the grandeur of his works,
and allotted to them the law of life.
and his commandments* he revealed to them.
his glorious voice their ears heard.
to each of them he gave precepts about their neighbor.
they cannot be hidden from his eyes.†
but Israel is the Lord’s own portion.† c
and his eyes are ever upon their ways.
all their sins are before the Lord.†
and virtue he keeps like the apple of his eye.
requiting each one as they deserve.d
Appeal for a Return to God*
and encourages those who are losing hope!
pray before him and make your offenses few.
and hate intensely what he loathes.
in place of the living who offer their praise?
they who are alive and well glorify the Lord.
and his forgiveness for those who return to him!
since human beings are not immortal.
How worthless* then the thoughts of flesh and blood!
while all mortals are dust and ashes.
† [17:4] Other ancient texts read as v. 5:
They received the use of the Lord’s five faculties;
of mind, the sixth, he granted them a share,
as also of speech, the seventh, the interpreter of his actions.
* [17:12] An everlasting covenant…his commandments: God made several covenants, e.g., Gn 9:8–17; 15:17–21; 17:1–22, entered into with humankind, especially on Mount Sinai, where the people saw God’s glory and heard his voice (v. 13; cf. Ex 19:16–24:18).
† [17:15] Other ancient texts read as v. 16:
Their ways are directed toward evils from their youth,
and they are unable to make their hearts flesh rather than stone.
* [17:17] Ruler: this may refer to civil officials or to heavenly beings placed over nations as guardians; see note on Dt 32:8, and the cross-references.
† [17:17] Other ancient texts read as v. 18:
Israel, as his firstborn, he cares for with chastisement;
the light of his love he shares with him without neglect.
† [17:20] Other ancient texts read as v. 21:
But the Lord, being good and knowing how they are formed,
neither neglected them nor ceased to spare them.
* [17:24–32] Ben Sira opens this poem with a prophetic summons to repent, urging sinners to give up their sins and to pray for forgiveness (vv. 24–26, 29). Ben Sira reflects the belief of his day that there was no life after death (vv. 27–28, 30; see note on 11:26–28). Cf. Ez 18:23, 30–32; 33:11–16. See note on Ps 6:6.
* [17:27–28] True life consists in praise of God; this is not possible in Sheol.
* [17:31] Worthless: cf. Gn 6:5. Though moral fault is not excluded, the thought here is the inability to understand the designs of God. Cf. Wis 9:14–18.
b. [17:2–4] Gn 1:26–28; Ps 8:4–9.
c. [17:17] Ex 19:5; Dt 4:19–20; 32:8–9; Dn 10:13–21; 12:1.
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