and to avoid injustice is atonement.
a sweet odor before the Most High.
never to be forgotten.
and do not spare your freewill gifts.c
and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy.d
generously, according to your means.
and will give back to you sevenfold.e
For he is a God of justice,
who shows no partiality.g
but hears the grievance of the oppressed.*
nor the widow when she pours out her complaint.
their petition reaches the clouds.
it does not rest till it reaches its goal;
Nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds,
God indeed will not delay,
and like a warrior, will not be stillj
Till he breaks the backs of the merciless
Till he destroys the scepter of the proud,
and cuts off the staff of the wicked;
and repays them according to their thoughts;
and makes them glad by his salvation.
as rain clouds in time of drought.
* [35:1–26] Keeping the commandments of the law and avoiding injustice constitute sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to God (vv. 1–5). Offerings also should be made to him, cheerfully and generously; these he repays sevenfold (vv. 6–13). Extortion from widows and orphans is injustice, and God will hear their cries (vv. 14–22a). Punishing the proud and the merciless and coming to the aid of the distressed, he requites everyone according to their deeds (vv. 22b–26).
* [35:3] Fine flour, together with oil and frankincense, was a prescribed offering to God; cf. Lv 2:1–3.
* [35:16] Cf. Lv 19:15; Dt 1:17. The divine impartiality is paradoxical, for it is tilted toward the poor.
a. [35:1–5] 1 Sm 15:22; Ps 51:18–19; Is 1:11–18; Hos 6:6; Am 5:21–24.
b. [35:7] Ex 23:15; 34:20; Dt 16:16.
d. [35:11] Dt 14:22; 2 Cor 9:7.
e. [35:13] Prv 19:17; Mt 25:34–40.
f. [35:15] Sir 34:21–23; Prv 15:8; 21:27.
g. [35:15] Dt 10:17; 2 Chr 19:7; Jb 34:19; Wis 6:7; Acts 10:34; Rom 2:11; Gal 2:6; 1 Pt 1:17.
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