whoever is practiced in the Law will come to Wisdom.
like a young bride she will receive him,
and give him the water of understanding to drink.a
he will trust in her and not be put to shame.
and in the assembly she will make him eloquent.
and an everlasting name he will inherit.b
and the haughty will not behold her.
liars never think of her.
for it has not been allotted to them by God.
and its rightful owner teaches it.
Free Will*
for what he hates he does not do.
for he has no need of the wicked.c
and he does not let it happen to those who fear him.
and made them subject to their own free choice.d
loyalty is doing the will of God.
to whatever you choose, stretch out your hand.
whichever they choose will be given them.e
mighty in power, he sees all things.
and he understands every human deed.f
nor shows leniency toward deceivers.*
* [15:3–6] In this role reversal Woman Wisdom teaches, nourishes, supports, and protects the vulnerable man. For similar imagery cf. Prv 8:4–21, 34–35; 9:1–5; 31:10–31.
* [15:9–10] There is an intimate association between wisdom and praise of the Lord.
* [15:11–20] Here Ben Sira links freedom of the will with human responsibility. God, who sees everything, is neither the cause nor the occasion of sin. We have the power to choose our behavior and we are responsible for both the good and the evil we do (vv. 15–17).
* [15:20] Deceivers: those who hold the Lord responsible for their sins.
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