and sets them among princes.
or despise anyone because of appearance.
but it reaps the choicest of harvests.
or scoff at a person’s bitter day.
For strange are the deeds of the LORD,
hidden from mortals his work.*
some that none would consider wear a crown.*
many the honored who are given into the power of the few.
Moderation and Patience*
examine first, then criticize.
interrupt no one in the midst of speaking.a
in the quarrels of the arrogant do not take part.
since whoever is greedy for wealth will not be blameless?
Even if you chase after it, you will never overtake it;
and by fleeing you will not escape.
and fall short all the same.b
with little strength and great misery—
Yet the eye of the LORD looks favorably upon them,
shaking them free of the stinking mire.
to the amazement of the many.
poverty and riches—all are from the LORD.†
his favor brings lasting success.
and this is their allotted reward:
now I will feast on my goods,”
They do not know how long it will be
till they die and leave them to others.*
grow old while doing your work.
but trust in the LORD and wait for his light;
For it is easy in the eyes of the LORD
suddenly, in an instant, to make the poor rich.
and in due time their hope bears fruit.
What further benefits can be mine?”
What harm can come to me now?”
the day of adversity makes one forget prosperity.e
to repay mortals according to their conduct.
at the end of life one’s deeds are revealed.
for how they end, they are known.
Care in Choosing Friends
for many are the snares of the crafty.
and like a spy they will pick out the weak spots.
and to praiseworthy deeds they attach blame.
a sinner lies in wait for blood.
and they may give you a lasting stain.
and make you a stranger to your own family.
* [11:4] The implication is similar to Eccl 7:13; 8:17: the mysterious work of God.
* [11:5] Cf. 1 Sm 2:8; Ps 75:8; 105:17–22; Lk 1:52.
* [11:7–28] Discretion should regulate conduct toward others (vv. 7–9); as regards personal interests, one should avoid solicitude for the passing external benefits of life and property (vv. 10–14, 18–19, 21, 23–25) and cultivate the lasting inward gifts of wisdom, virtue (vv. 20, 22), and patience (vv. 25–28).
* [11:14] In mysterious ways God ultimately governs the lives of men and women.
† [11:14] Other ancient texts read as vv. 15–16:
15 Wisdom and understanding and knowledge of the Law,
love and virtuous paths, are from the Lord.
16 Error and darkness were formed with sinners from their birth,
and evil grows old with those who exult in evil.
* [11:19] Cf. the parable of the rich man, Lk 12:16–21.
* [11:26–28] Ben Sira thought that divine retribution took place only in the present life, and even at the end of life; cf. 9:12; 14:16–17.
b. [11:11] Ps 127:2; Eccl 4:8.
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