and the struggle for wealth blinds the eyes.a
sin will be wedged in between buying and selling.
with sudden swiftness will one’s house be thrown down.
so do people’s faults when they speak.*
the test of a person is in conversation.b
so speech discloses the bent of a person’s heart.c
for it is then that people are tested.
and wear it like a splendid robe.
and honesty comes to those who work at it.
so does sin for evildoers.
but the fool changes like the moon.
but frequent the company of the thoughtful.
and their laughter is wanton sin.
and their brawls make one stop the ears.
and their cursing is painful to hear.d
and will never find a congenial friend.e
but if you betray his secrets, do not go after him;
you have killed your neighbor’s friendship.
you have let your friend go and cannot recapture him.
and has escaped like a gazelle from a snare.
but whoever betrays secrets does hopeless damage.f
Malice, Anger and Vengeance
and those who know him will keep their distance;
and admires your words,
But later he changes his tone
and twists the words to your ruin.g
and the Lord hates him as well.h
and a treacherous blow causes many wounds.
and whoever lays a snare is caught in it.*
without knowing how it came upon him.
and vengeance lies in wait for them like a lion.
and pain will consume them before they die.
yet a sinner holds on to them.
* [27:4–7, 11–15] The importance of effective speech is a favorite wisdom topic; e.g., cf. 20:1–8, 18–20; 22:27–23:15.
* [27:16–28:11] Betrayal of confidence through indiscretion destroys friendship and does irreparable harm (27:16–21); cf. 22:22. False friendship based on hypocrisy and deceit is hateful to Ben Sira and, he adds, to God as well (27:22–24); it soon becomes a victim of its own treachery (27:25–27). The same fate awaits the malicious and vengeful (27:28–28:1). They can obtain mercy and forgiveness only by first forgiving their neighbor, being mindful of death and of the commandments of the Most High (28:2–7). And they must avoid quarrels and strife (28:8–11).
* [27:26] This expresses a popular idea of act and consequence; an evil (or good) deed is repaid by an evil (or good) result. The frequent metaphor is the digging of a hole for another to fall into; cf. Prv 26:27; Ps 7:14; 9:16; Eccl 10:8.
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