Exhortation to Seek Wisdom*
learn, you magistrates* of the earth’s expanse!
and lord it over throngs of peoples!
and sovereignty by the Most High,
who shall probe your works and scrutinize your counsels!b
and did not keep the law,*
nor walk according to the will of God,
because severe judgment awaits the exalted—
but the mighty shall be mightily put to the test.
nor does he fear greatness,d
Because he himself made the great as well as the small,
and provides for all alike;
that you may learn wisdom and that you may not fall away.
and those learned in them will have ready a response.*
long for them and you will be instructed.
and she is readily perceived by those who love her,
and found by those who seek her.f
for she will be found sitting at the gate.
and whoever keeps vigil for her is quickly free from care;
and graciously appears to them on the way,
and goes to meet them with full attention.h
love means the keeping of her laws;
To observe her laws is the basis for incorruptibility;
honor Wisdom, that you may reign as kings forever.
and I shall conceal no secrets from you,
But from the very beginning I shall search out
and bring to light knowledge of her;
I shall not diverge from the truth.j
because that can have no fellowship with Wisdom.k
and a prudent king, the stability of the people;l
* [6:1–21] The first part of the book closes with an exhortation comparable to 1:1–15, and it leads into “Solomon’s” personal comments on wisdom in chaps. 7–9.
* [6:1] Kings…magistrates: note the inclusion with v. 21 (“kings”). The address to earthly powers is in accord with the opening (1:1), but the true audience remains the Jewish community.
* [6:4] Law: that of Moses; cf. 2:12; 6:10.
* [6:10] Response: a suitable plea before the great Judge. Cf. Prv 22:21; Jb 31:14; Hb 2:1; Sir 8:9.
* [6:17–20] This type of reasoning approximates the rhetorical sorites, a series of statements in which the predicate of each becomes the subject of the next. Cf. Rom 5:3–5.
* [6:22–9:18] In these verses the author identifies with Solomon (without mentioning that name anywhere), and praises the beauty of Wisdom, describing how he sought her out. Thus the readers of the book can find a model in their search for Wisdom.
a. [6:1–2] Wis 1:1; Ps 2:10; Sir 33:19; Mi 3:1, 9.
b. [6:3] 2 Chr 36:23; Prv 8:15–16; Jn 19:11; Rom 13:1.
e. [6:9–11] Dt 4:10; Ps 2:12; Sir 32:14; 1 Jn 3:7.
f. [6:12] Wis 7:10; Prv 8:17; Jer 29:13.
h. [6:16] Prv 8:20–21; Sir 15:1–5.
i. [6:17–21] Ps 2:10–12; Prv 4:4–9; 7:1–4; 8:15–16; Dn 7:27; Jn 14:15, 21; 1 Jn 5:3.
j. [6:22] Tb 12:7, 11; Mt 13:11; Jn 15:15.
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