The Hidden Counsels of God*
and no torment shall touch them.
and their passing away was thought an affliction
But they are in peace.b
yet is their hope full of immortality;
because God tried them
and found them worthy of himself.c
and as sacrificial offerings* he took them to himself.d
and dart about as sparks through stubble;e
and the LORD shall be their King forever.f
and the faithful shall abide with him in love:
Because grace and mercy are with his holy ones,g
and his care is with the elect.
since they neglected righteousness and forsook the LORD.
Vain is their hope, fruitless their labors,
and worthless their works.i
accursed their brood.j
never knew transgression of the marriage bed;
for she shall bear fruit at the judgment of souls.*
who held no wicked thoughts against the LORD—
For he shall be given fidelity’s choice reward*
and a more gratifying heritage in the LORD’s temple.k
and unfailing is the root of understanding.* l
and the progeny of an unlawful bed will disappear.m
and dishonored will their old age be in the end;
nor comfort in the day of scrutiny;
* [3:1–4:19] The central section of chaps. 1–6. The author begins by stating that immortality is the reward of the righteous, and then in the light of that belief comments on three points of the traditional discussion of the problem of retribution (suffering, childlessness, early death) each of which was often seen as a divine punishment.
* [3:1–12] The author affirms that, for the righteous, sufferings are not punishments but purification and opportunities to show fidelity, whereas for the wicked suffering is truly a punishment.
* [3:6] Offerings: the image is that of the burnt offering, in which the victim is completely consumed by fire.
* [3:7] Judgment: the Greek episkopē is God’s loving judgment of those who have been faithful to him; the same word is used in 14:11 for the punishment of the wicked at God’s judgment. Cf. also v. 13.
* [3:10] To match their thoughts: a fate as empty as that which they describe in 2:1–5.
* [3:13–4:6] The true fruit of life is not children but virtue which leads to immortality. The many children of the wicked will be a disappointing fruit.
* [3:14] Fidelity’s choice reward: cf. Is 56:1–8. More gratifying: better than sons and daughters; cf. Is 56:5.
* [3:15] Root of understanding: the root that is understanding (wisdom).
* [3:16] Adulterers: understood here as a type of sinners in general; cf. Is 57:3–5.
c. [3:5] Tb 12:13; 2 Cor 4:17; 1 Pt 1:6–7.
d. [3:6] Ps 51:19; Prv 17:3; Sir 2:5; Is 48:10.
e. [3:7] Dn 12:3; Ob 18; Mal 3:3; Mt 13:43.
f. [3:8] Wis 8:14; Prv 8:16; Dn 7:22; 1 Cor 6:2; Rev 20:4.
g. [3:9] Wis 4:15; Jb 10:12; Jn 15:10.
m. [3:16] 2 Sm 12:14.
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