and governs all things well.a
Wisdom, the Source of Blessings
I sought to take her for my bride*
and was enamored of her beauty.b
even the Ruler of all loved her.
and chooses his works.c
what is richer than Wisdom, who produces all things?d
who in the world is a better artisan than she?
whose works are virtues,
She teaches moderation and prudence,
righteousness and fortitude,*
and nothing in life is more useful than these.
she knows the things of old, and infers the things to come.
She understands the turns of phrases and the solutions of riddles;
signs and wonders she knows in advance
and the outcome of times and ages.f
Wisdom as Solomon’s Counselor and Comfort
knowing that she would be my counselor while all was well,
and my comfort in care and grief.
and esteem from the elders, though I am but a youth.
and shall be a marvel before rulers.
and when I shall speak the more,
they will put their hands upon their mouths.*
and leave to those after me an everlasting memory.h
in the assembly I shall appear noble, and in war courageous.
For association with her involves no bitterness
and living with her no grief,
but rather joy and gladness.j
Wisdom Is a Gift of God
and considering in my heart
That immortality lies in kinship with Wisdom,k
and unfailing riches in the works of her hands;
And that in associating with her there is prudence,
and fair renown in sharing her discourses,
I went about seeking to take her for my own.
and I came by a noble nature;
and this, too, was prudence, to know whose gift she is—
I went to the LORD and besought him,l
and said with all my heart:
* [8:2] I loved…my bride: the erotic quality in the pursuit of and living with Woman Wisdom, who is the Lord’s consort (9:4) and loved by him, continues throughout this chapter (vv. 16, 18). It is reflected already in Prv 4:5–9; 7:4–5. See also Sir 15:2–5; 51:13–21.
* [8:7] Moderation…fortitude: known also as the cardinal virtues, and recognized in Greek philosophy (Plato).
* [8:12] Hands upon their mouths: a sign of respect for unanswerable wisdom; cf. Jb 40:4.
* [8:19–20] Here the author mentions first bodily, then spiritual, excellence. To make it plain that the latter is the governing factor in the harmonious development of the human person, he then reverses the order. The Platonic doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul is often read into these lines, but such an anthropology does not seem to be the intent of the author (cf. 7:1–6). Verse 20 appears to rule out any misunderstanding of v. 19. Verse 21 emphasizes that he did not bring talent to his “birth”; his wisdom is the gift of God.
f. [8:8] Prv 1:6; Sir 39:1–3; 42:19–20; Dn 2:21.
g. [8:10–12] 1 Kgs 3:28; Jb 29:8–10, 21–22.
h. [8:13] Sir 15:6; 41:12–13; Is 56:5.
i. [8:14] Wis 3:8; Ps 18:48; 47:4.
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