and in lonely places they pitched their tents;b
and water was given them from the sheer rock,
a quenching of their thirst from the hard stone.
they in their need were benefited.d
First Example: Water Punishes the Egyptians and Benefits the Israelites
troubled with impure bloode
You gave them abundant water beyond their hope,
how you punished their adversaries.
they recognized how the wicked, condemned in anger, were being tormented.
but as a stern king you probed and condemned the wicked.
and a groaning at the remembrance of the ones who had departed.
was a benefit to these others, they recognized the Lord.
in the final outcome, they marveled at him,
since their thirst proved unlike that of the righteous.i
Second Example: Animals Punish the Egyptians and Benefit the Israelites
which misled them into worshiping dumb* serpents and worthless insects,
You sent upon them swarms of dumb creatures for vengeance;j
Digression on God’s Mercy
that had fashioned the universe from formless matter,*
to send upon them many bears or fierce lions,
breathing forth fiery breath,
Or pouring out roaring smoke,
or flashing terrible sparks from their eyes.
even their frightful appearance itself could slay.
pursued by justice
and winnowed by your mighty spirit.
But you have disposed all things by measure and number and weight.m
who can resist the might of your arm?n
or a drop of morning dew come down upon the earth.o
and you overlook sins for the sake of repentance.p
and loathe nothing that you have made;
for you would not fashion what you hate.q
or be preserved, had it not been called forth by you?r
O Ruler and Lover of souls,s
* [11:2–19:22] Few verses in chaps. 11–19 can be fully understood without consulting the passages in the Pentateuch which are indicated in the cross-references. The theme of this part of the book is expressed in v. 5 and is illustrated in the following chapters by five examples drawn from Exodus events.
* [11:6–8] River: the Nile; the contrast is between the first plague of Egypt (Ex 7:17–24) and the water drawn from the rock in Horeb (Ex 17:5–7; Nm 20:8–11).
* [11:12] Twofold grief: the double distress described in vv. 13–14.
* [11:15] Dumb: that is, irrational.
* [11:17] Formless matter: a Greek philosophical concept is used to interpret the chaos of Gn 1:2.
* [11:22] Grain from a balance: a tiny particle used for weighing on sensitive scales.
* [11:23] The combination of divine mercy and power is an unusual paradox, but cf. 12:15–18; Ps 62:12–13; Sir 2:18. The main emphasis is on a creating that is motivated by love; the divine “imperishable spirit” (either Wisdom as in 1:4, 7, or perhaps the breath of life as in Gn 2:7) is in everything (12:1).
b. [11:2–5] Ex 17:2–6; Nm 20:1–13; Ps 63:2; 107:4–7; Jer 2:6.
c. [11:3] Ex 17:8–16; Nm 21:1–3, 21–35; 31:1–12; Ps 118:10–12.
e. [11:6–8] Wis 18:5; Ex 1:22; 7:17–24.
f. [11:9–11] Wis 3:5; 16:3–4; Dt 8:2–5; 2 Mc 6:12–16; Ps 6:2; Prv 3:12.
h. [11:12–13] Wis 16:8; Ex 14:4, 18.
j. [11:15] Wis 12:23–24; 15:18–16:1; Ex 7:26–8:11.
k. [11:16] Wis 12:23, 27; Ex 10:16; Prv 1:31–32; 26:27.
l. [11:17–19] Wis 12:8–9; 16:1, 5; Gn 1:1–2; Dt 32:24; 2 Kgs 17:25–26; Hos 13:4–8.
n. [11:21] Wis 12:12; 2 Chr 20:6.
p. [11:23] Wis 12:10; Dt 9:27; Acts 17:30; Rom 2:4; 11:32; 2 Pt 3:9.
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